Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, November 04, 2023

Inside the new house


Warmed up for my morning walk today.
It was 45 degrees.
Was at town and walking at 6:50 and sunrise was at 7:50.
It was cloudy with a few peeks of sun once in a while.

Finally saw another person walking around town - Rebecca.
Told her she was the first person I've seen out walking this week.

Walked all over town in no particular order, then the ball park and both cemeteries.

The door to the first new house doesn't have a door knob yet so I went inside to take a look.
The walls are framed out now.
I'm standing in the front corner taking the picture.
To the left is the utility room, a bathroom and a little bedroom down in the corner with a bathroom.
Bedroom 2 and 3 are very small and they are down on the right.
I'm standing in what must be the living room and kitchen/dining.
I bet when someone moves in after a while they turn the garage into a living or dining room.
We shall see.

Went to take a look at the modular home site.
Nothing else happening with the garage out back yet.

Morning Walk Steps were 13,329.

🙂         🌥        🚶‍♀️

Got one of my knitting projects together and went to the library for the Stitch in Time meeting.
Only three of us there but it is still nice to visit with them.

While at the library at was looking around and found two more books to check out.
In the lobby there were some books for sale so picked out 5 of them.
Each book was 10 cents!!!  
Didn't have any change so gave Lori a dollar and told her to keep the change!! 😀

This afternoon I worked on the jigsaw puzzle for a little while.

Lighthouse Number Fourteen 
Don't think this is any particular one.
It is bigger than the first ones like yesterdays.

Happy Saturday and Thanks for popping in for a visit.


Tom said...

...I'm surprised that the interior of the house didn't come finnish from the factory!

Terra said...

Interesting to see the house interior. My next door neighbors are gutting their house, which means almost an entirely new house plus an addition in the back. I am sure it will look pretty when done.

Debby said...

I thought the inside would be finished. Maybe they opted not to save money in this ever-increasing real estate market we have. I'm sure it will be nice.

Dianna said...

The inside of the house does look as if the rooms are going to be small. I wonder how long before someone moves into the modular.

Speaking of light houoses, what can you tell me about the Light House in Oakland? It obviously isn't a regular light house. Does it have something to do with the county offices? We came by there one evening recently around 8:30 and all of the lights were on. Just curious.

Mari said...

I like the corn picture. We have a few fields around yet, but most are harvested.
Nice to see the inside of the house!

Granny Marigold said...

It sounds like all 3 bedrooms in the new house are small.
I wonder if the space under the modular home will get closed off. It seems like it would make the floor very cold if it stays open.

Ginny Hartzler said...

It looks pretty large inside! Seems like it will be really lovely.

ellen b. said...

Fun to see the progress on these new houses. Ten cents for a book is a great price! Glad you had a nice time with the stitch time group. I'm working on a new puzzle but really slowly!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love library book sales! Ten cents a book is a great deal. I hope you got some good ones. That house seems very compact. Have a good Sunday. See you then!

eileeninmd said...

It would be nice to see the house when it is finished.
neat shot of the corn field.
Have a great day and happy new week!

Ann said...

Once those walls get covered up in the new house I bet it will look pretty small in there.
I love looking inside other houses.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

A lovely house.

God bless.

Bill said...

I like seeing the inside of the house. It will be nice when it's all done and somebody can call it their home.

Inger said...

It's always nice to visit with you and read about your mornings. I have a new blog finally: desertcanyonstories.blogspot.com the old one seemed to be impossible to fix.

Billie Jo said...

One of these days, I am going to get up and walk myself! Until then, I will live vicariously through you, my friend! Have a cozy evening!

William Kendall said...

That is a good interior.

Lowcarb team member said...

That was good to get five books in the library sale ... happy reading :)

All the best Jan

Prims By The Water said...

What are you knitting? I could never walk as much as you do. Kudos to you. Janice