Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, November 06, 2023

A Big X


So nice to have it light in the morning when I walk again, at least for a little while.
Now if we could only leave the time alone!!!
On my way to town I saw 4 deer.
Started walking at 6:20 and sunrise was at 6:51.
Temperature was a nice 40 degrees.
Morning Walk Steps were 13,452.

It was light enough for me to start my walk going around both of the cemeteries.
Then made my way over to the ball park and walked around there and then continued all around town.

Saw the first Christmas lights up on a tree in someones yard!!!

This pine tree in the cemetery has a very strong pine smell and I love to smell it as I walk by.
I'm going to bring my clippers one of these days and cut a few sprigs off the bottom and put them in my house.

Lots of con trails in the sky this morning.
Here's a big X over my little town.

No one else out walking.
They missed out on some great walking weather! 

πŸ™‚         πŸšΆ‍♀️         πŸŒ€         πŸ¦ƒ

Got a slow cooker of chicken going first thing for shredding.
That takes care of a few meals.

Weather great for hanging the sheets out on the line.
The white sampler square bedspread I knitted has been sitting in the cedar chest all summer and I put it outside to air it out.
That went on the bed for the winter.  

Changed things around on my hutch.
Replaced the turquoise and ivory FiestaWare with the orange (red) and yellow.
The dining room windows got a cleaning too.

Did a little reading.
Have to read the book for the book club which meets this coming Thursday.

Have to go and get supper now.
Having some of the shredded chicken this evening in a bowl with rice, some veggies, and cheese. Ken likes to add salsa but I'm going to add some sweet and sour sauce to mine.

Friday was the 14th and last of the lighthouses that I have.
Here's one last picture of all of them on the window sill in our bedroom.

Happy Monday and I'm happy you stopped by.πŸ˜€

Comment Replies:
GrannyM - Yes, they will have to put some kind of skirting around the bottom of the modular home and also insulate it.  If not the pipes would surely freeze with our cold winters.

Janice - I have a few knitting projects I'm working on at the moment. A scarf, mini prayer squares, and a blanket.
I'm sure you could walk as much as I do if you tried. πŸ˜€ I started walking for exercise when I was 37 and have been taking morning walks for 35 years and counting . . .  


Tom said...

..yes, X marks the spot!

Bill said...

Looks like a lovely morning. I like the X.

Hill Top Post said...

I am loving the time change too. We also had a gorgeous morning for walking. I didn't want to go inside so cleaned along another woodland trail.

Dianna said...

You have a lovely view from your bedroom window. The lighthouses look so nice displayed there.

ellen b. said...

I like that display of the light houses on that window sill. It's nice that you can walk in the light now!

Mari said...

It was nice for me to drive to work this morning in the light too.
I like that pic of the bird house and corn. Sure looks like Fall!

Debby said...

That is a lot of lighthouses. They look nice in your bedroom window. I love the smell of pine.

Granny Marigold said...

I agree that the time should stay as it is. I find the change takes me a while to get used to.
I like reading what you're having for supper ( I'm blessed (?) with a curious nature). And I like seeing your lighthouses all lined up. A nice collection.

Debi said...

I have a white sampler blanket that my mom knitted. She passed away before she could put it together so I brought it home, put it together and it resides at the bottom of our bed during the cold months.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I love how you have all of your lighthouses displayed on your window sill. I am wondering what book you are reading for your book club this month. Wow, 35 years ia a long time to take morning walks. Charly and I have been taking daily walks together almost that long - probably about 30 years or so. We started when our boys were little and sometimes, Charly would carry our little Alex (oldest son) on our walks. I hope you have a good day. See you again tomorrow. P.S. I am thinking of getting a new fitness tracker watch as my Apple Watch is one of the first models and it isn't working so well now. I don't want to pay almost $400 for a new one. Can you tell me what kind you have and how you like it? Does it sync with your phone? Thanks so much!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This window is perfect for the lighthouses. I love those mountains behind the pine tree!

John's Island said...

“So nice to have it light in the morning when I walk again, at least for a little while. Now if we could only leave the time alone!!!” I couldn’t have said it better. So true. Love your collection of lighthouses!

Ann said...

You sure had a busy day. I like the windowsill with all the lighthouses.

Inger said...

A foggy morning here. We didn't go for our walk. Faith is snoozing and doesn't seem to mind. As always, you are an inspiration even on the days that my laziness takes over.

Jeanette said...

It is so nice to have light earlier in the morning again. I can almost smell that pine tree from here!

William Kendall said...

I would very much prefer standard time only.

Prims By The Water said...

Probably could but no interest nor do I have the time. I will walk vicariously through your blog. :-) I love the smell of pine. Janice