Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, November 08, 2023


On the way to town this morning I saw 5 deer, one of which was a buck.
Also saw a rabbit (been a while) and another one at the cemetery.
Got to town and starting walking at 6:25.
Sunrise was at 6:53,
Temperature was 37 and it was calm and sunny.
A beautiful walking morning.
Morning Walking Steps were 13,616

First walked around the cemeteries.
Every morning I think I'll see that the corn as been cut down but it still stands there.

Walked over to the big barn to see the cows.
They never cease to make me smile.

From there I walked to and around the ball park and then all around town till my wrist vibrated. 😀

Think maybe these people don't want anyone parking on the lawn!?
Those are pretty scary looking spikes. 
Maybe a NO PARKING sign would do.

No people out walking this morning.
No one to say good morning to except the cows.

🙂         🚶‍♀️         🌤

A nice sunny day so got a load of clothes washed and hung out on the line.

One of the books I got out of the library the other day I just realized that it is book number 4 of a series.
Now I'll have to go back and get the first 3 books.

We went out this afternoon to do a few errands.

I've finished up the last of the candy corn.
I would eat all of it up at one sitting so every day Ken hides 5 pieces somewhere around the house and I have to find them.

Well that's going to be it for today.

Thanks for popping in for a visit.

He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, 
but rejoices for those which he has.


Comment Replies:
John - Don't think yesterdays temperature set any records.

Jack69  - 2200 of my steps are about a mile.


Tom said...

...I hope that you had a Happy Wednesday.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Whoa, that person really doesn't want anyone on their lawn. Something must have triggered them to do that. My concern is if a child fell on those saw blades or an animal. Seems a bit drastic for just a dumb lawn.

That is funny what your husband does. My husband doles out those mini Ghirardelli chocolate squares one at a time and puts them in the refrigerator so that when I get that craving I can find myself some chocolate. It works for me because I have been known to practically eat the whole bag and then feel sick afterward.

Dianna said...

If the person with the spikes at the end of their property has the same problem here, A no parking sign wouldn't quite do it. :) We have people running up on our bank like it's a part of the road. :)

I like the way you and Ken think when it comes to the candy corn. Carroll said to tell you that there's a whole skid of candy corn and candy pumpkins in at Kroger in Sabraton/Morgantown. :) He used to be the same way as you...could eat it all at one time. Now, he's not eating any of it. So having to look for 5 pieces a day is a good plan!

I love the quote! I need to write that one down.

Sandi said...

"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not,
but rejoices for those which he has."


Jeanette said...

Good idea with the candy corn. I'm that way with Smarties. Can't leave them alone if I have them!

Bill said...

Nice mirror message and quote. M&Ms are like that for me. I can eat them by the bag. :)

John's Island said...

The spikes at the edge of the yard definitely look scary. I know of at least one place around here that is similar. Definitely agree with you … a NO PARKING sign should do. PS Thanks for answering my questions! John

Ginny Hartzler said...

I remember back when I was just married I ate an entire bag of candy corn. I got so sick!

ellen b. said...

Fun story about the candy corn! Sweet. Yikes...don't park on that lawn! :)

Hill Top Post said...

I talk to the cattle every day. They are smarter than people think. The bottle calves are growing up and will be weaned from the bottle in a couple of weeks. I am also wondering why the corn hasn’t been cut. Maybe Dan will hide a little fun- sized bag of M&Ms for me. 😉

Billie Jo said...

Love the candy corn idea! I need Steve to do that with Peanut m~n~ms!!! Have a cozy evening, my friend!

Mari said...

I like seeing the corn, and the cows!
I've started reading a book only to find it's a part of a series. Sigh!
Love the candy corn idea, that made me laugh.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. That is so cute that Ken hides the candy corn and you have to find a few pieces each day. Yes, I have also purchased books that were part of a series and NOT #1, so like you, I have to go out and find (or order) the other books. Those are pretty dangerous looking spikes, I don't understand why someone would put them in their lawn in your friendly little town. That doesn't seem very friendly.

Ann said...

I don't think I've ever done it with candy corn but I can relate to eating all of something in one sitting. Not intentionally of course, it just sort of happens. Ken hiding 5 pieces for you sounds like a fun idea.

Barwitzki said...

Your encounters with animals on your morning walk are simply great... it's probably also because you're out early.
I always wait until the sun comes - if it comes :-)))
Our fields have all been harvested and re-tilled... I think it's winter barley now and this morning I saw the rows in a soft green... it looks wonderful in the sunshine.
Many greetings to you.

Aritha V. said...

I find that quite a bit rough from that person. Doing that with those sharp spikes. We have that here on fences (anti-climbing strip). The sharp points on an anti-climbing strip make it difficult for unwanted guests to climb over the fence, and unfortunately, it's necessary here in the Netherlands.

Your cow photos are cuter. I like them too. I wish you a nice Thursday for now. It's morning here, but I think you're probably still enjoying a good sleep. I wish you an unexpectedly delightful morning walk on Thursday.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

That does seem a little chilly. I can understand why there were only cows about.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Lovely cows.

God bless.

Michelle said...

Kind of crazy about that lawn. I suppose that something must have happened, though.

Romance Reader said...

Loved all the photos! Thanks for taking us along with you on the walk!

William Kendall said...

The cows are friendly.

Prims By The Water said...

That is a scary sight with the spikes. Janice