Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, November 07, 2023

A warm morning

Morning temperatures have been all over the place the last week.
This morning it was a warm 58 degrees!!
Got to town and started walking at 6:20.
Sunrise was at 6:52.
A mix of clouds and sun.
Morning Walking Steps were 13,135

Had some DVD's to bring to the library to drop down the slot so walked there first.
None of them very good!!
Continued walking around town, the ball park and both cemeteries.

The warm temperatures drove others out this morning.
John walking Prim
Rebecca walking Leo
Joy walking
Sheila running

It was pretty windy out this morning and as I stood here by the fence looking out over the pond it was like being on the bow of a boat going into the wind! 😀

🙂         🥾         🌤

Ken had to go to Lowes to pick up a few things and afterward since we were in the area we went shopping at Walmart this week.
That took care of the morning.

Got a call from Pam who is in charge of the cookie sale every December asking if I would be willing to bake cookies for the sale.  
Of course I said yes and will be making 5 dozen Welsh cookies.

GrannyM - we are having an easy supper tonight - hot ham and cheese sandwiches with a few chips on the side. 😀

That's all I have for today.
Happy Tuesday and thanks for coming by.

Give thanks to God, who made necessary things simple, 
and complicated things unnecessary.

Gregory Skovoroda

Comment Replies:
Deb - The book club book for this month is, At the Water's Edge by Sara Gruen. I've read about 3/4 of it and don't really like it!!  Will finish the rest of it this evening.
Under my header is a Page entitled WALKING FAQ you will find the answer to all the walking questions I could think of there.


Tom said...

...we started out mild and the temperature dropped as the day when on. I like Gregory Skovoroda's quote.

Dianna said...

It was a windy morning here too. I love Welsh cookies. My paternal grandfather's heritage was Welsh. I know your cookies will be delicious.

jack69 said...

the Welch cookies sound great. I had to do some research, what I saw and read they LOOK great and sound delicious.
I believe we counted 2000 steps to be close to a mile, you sure put the WALK into a walk. LOL
Enjoyed the visit.
Sherry & jack in the heat of Florida...

William Kendall said...

A nicely framed shot.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Thanks for the info. on your book and the your fitness tracker, Karen. I may look the book up so see what it's about. See you again tomorrow.

Mari said...

Lots of people out today! We had blue skies too, but rain predicted for tomorrow.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Don't think I have ever heard of Welsh Cookies.

Ann said...

It was warm out here yesterday morning too.
Not familiar with Welsh cookies. I bet they're delicious though

Brenda said...

Hi, my husband and myself are Welsh, but live in Ireland at the moment, we make Welsh cakes often. We love them.

Debbie said...

I just love all the views in your town, Karen! And what I wouldn't give for 58 degrees! It's still in the high 80's here in Texas.

ellen b. said...

It's hard to find good things to watch. We were at Lowe's yesterday. We had to return stuff now that our master shower is almost done. 58 degrees...wow! Enjoy your new day!

John's Island said...

Wow, 58 degrees sounds unusually warm for a morning this time of year in your location. I wonder if it was a new record?

Victor S E Moubarak said...

It is freezing here. More rain. And damp.

God bless.

Bill said...

Our day started out sunny. Then, at 11 it started to bucket down and it has been raining ever since. Those cookies sound great.

Prims By The Water said...

Did someone say cookies? I am in. My mom's church is having a cookie and cheese ball sale and she will be getting me both. Cannot wait. Dinner sounded yummy too. We had stuffed cabbage tonight. Janice