Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

A shorter walk

A wintry mix was in the forecast but when I got up it was still dry.
The temperature was 36 degrees and VERY WINDY.
Got to town and started walking at 6:25.
Sunrise was 7:08

Walked up and down all the streets in town.
Went over to the ball park and walked around there a few more
times then usual because the trees along the path blocked some of the wind.

Some of the streets I walk up and down are no more than alleys.

I headed on over to the lower cemetery and felt the first
few drops of COLD rain.
Thought I could make it around the cemetery but got just
a quarter of the way around when the wind got really strong
and with it some rain.
Though I had only walked 10,000 steps, I went back to the Jeep
and went home early.
Morning Walk Steps today 

😀    ☁️    🌧    💨

Nice to get home in a warm house and have some nice
hot oatmeal for breakfast.

Grocery shopping day and this time it was at Casselmans Market.

Did housework today and made some

We never did get that wintry mix, it just rained all day.

That's all I have for today.
Thanks for stopping by.

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. 
It turns what we have into enough, and more. 
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. 
It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.

Melody Beattie

Comment Replies:
Jeannette - My house plants are scattered about but the two from yesterday are on the east side. The living area of our house is one big room and we have quite a few windows so the sun comes in from both directions.  I don't have curtains either so we get a lot of light.


Mari said...

Hot oatmeal had to taste good after being out in that weather.
We had the wintry mix - some freezing rain this morning, but then it warmed up just a little.
I Like that quote.

Pom Pom said...

Hi Karen! It must have been very cold for you to shorten your walk. I'm glad you did because brrrrrrrrrr!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Tom said...

...today wasn't a day to be out, but much needed rain.

Michelle said...

Your walks are always motivating to me. I can't wait to retire in a few weeks so morning walks will be everyday :)

Lowcarb team member said...

You still did well with your steps 10,897 is a good number.

All the best Jan

William Kendall said...

The days are getting colder.

Granny Marigold said...

Yes, I agree with Jan, 10,847 steps is not bad at all!! I aim for 10,000 in my entire day but don't always get there.
I hope your weather will be better tomorrow.

Dianna said...

That wind today was really strong. We have a "shed" that is basically industrial type tarps that go over a metal frame. The wind blew the roof off it. Glad you had a nice bowl of hot oatmeal when you got home.

Hill Top Post said...

When the cold winds blow I walk where the trees block those winds. I saw a few small snow flakes tonight, so ole man winter is knocking on our door. I also think any number above 10,000 makes a good walk.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Today was bright and sunny here, but we are supposed to get rain and then snow on Thanksgiving and the day after. I hope that you and Ken have a very nice Thanksgiving. It's great that David and Liz live so close so you can all get together. See you again soon!

Ann said...

You may have cut it short but you still got a good step count in before you headed home.

eileeninmd said...

You still did a good step count. We had a lot of rain yesterday, thankfully we really needed the rain. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Take care, have a great day!

Aritha V. said...

Oh, bundle up well in that cold. This morning, I wore thermal clothing, even a pair of leggings under my jeans. Layering clothing helps. But cold rain and strong wind still make it chilly despite warm clothes, right?

Next to my laptop now is an empty bowl. It also contained warm oatmeal. Delicious after such a forest walk. Were your feet cold too?

Wishing you a lovely Wednesday.
Walking-greetings from the Netherlands.


Victor S E Moubarak said...

Not enough gratitude in the world these days.

God bless.

Visits With Mary said...

That is a great quote! Hot oatmeal on a cold day, ohhhh so good! Hope your new plants do well. Happy Thanksgiving.

Bill said...

We have a cloudy and rainy day but it is warm 13C.

ellen b. said...

Something hot after a freezing walk is most welcome I'm sure. Things are getting busy around here so I'll wish you a Happy Thanksgiving today. We have lots to be thankful for everyday!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It sure feels a lot colder when the wind blows. Take care and have a Happy Thanksgiving my friend!