Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

A cold day

 Only 10 degrees this morning and didn't know what town would
be like for walking so started my walk in the basement this morning.

Later in the morning when the sun came out and it warmed up to 15
Ken and I went out and shoveled the driveway.
He went back inside and I walked around Happy Trails a little while.

Our house - as you can see the garage which is on the left is
just about as big as the house.
Ken loves his 3 car garage!! 😃

We went to the library to pick up a couple of DVD's that Ken had on hold.
I have 2 books on hold but they haven't come in yet.
While there I picked a couple books off the shelf to check out.

While we were in town I took note of the sidewalks and places to walk.
Town walking doesn't look good so I'm thinking I'll not be going
to town in the morning.

Did a load of laundry and it dried pretty quickly over the heating
vent with the heat going on often because of the cold.

Started reading one of the books I got from the library
and did some knitting.

Happy Wednesday and thanks for stopping by.

Comment Replies:
John - Nothing new on Ken's layout and I've pretty much taken pictures of it all over the years.


Tom said...

...a bit warmer here with just a dusting of snow. Take care and stay warm and well.

Happy@Home said...

I was just getting caught up on your recent posts and was surprised to see your snow. It is so pretty, although it does sound COLD. Love your Christmas tree. It looks perfect where you have it.

Bill said...

Good that you scoped out the walking route before you decided to not walk in to town. Be safe!

Sandi said...

Your days sound so peaceful and serene. 🌷

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Do you normally get snow and cold this early?

Lowcarb team member said...

Our weather in the UK has been getting colder ... well it will soon be December! I do like your snowy photographs.

All the best Jan

Dianna said...

I'm sorry that I missed stopping by here yesterday. We had a busy day with getting haircuts and then meeting friends for lunch in Grantsville at the Casselman for lunch. We picked up a couple of items at Springs Store and also at Hill Top before coming home. I was busy then in the evening.

Wasn't the snow beautiful yesterday? We had about 4 inches here. The wind wasn't as pleasant as the snow though. Brrr!

The ornament in yesterday's post is so pretty! And I like the little Santa in today's post.

Nellie said...

I wouldn’t have gone to town to walk, either. Our bird bath was frozen for the second straight morning. Tomorrow morning is supposed to be warmer.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Wow! 10 degrees ! that must have been a really cold walk. I live in Florida and it was a chilly 60 degrees this morning. lol! Your pics of the snow are lovely. Enjoy!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. Still cold here too, but we have an inversion so the air is very polluted. I am exercising indoors here too. I love the little Santa at the end of your post. See you again tomorrow.

Hill Top Post said...

Ten degrees and snow! It seems so early for such extremes. I usually look forward to the first snow, but haven’t had that feeling this year.

eileeninmd said...

Wow, 10° that is very cold. No snow here yet. Great photos of Happy Trails with the snow. I love the cute Santa! Take care, have a great day!

Ann said...

I don't know what the temp was here but I don't think we got that cold. My furnace was kicking on a lot though. I never left the house so I don't even know what the roads were like.

Barwitzki said...

Wonderful gnome... I'm looking forward to the first Advent... starry shine and candlelight.
The three car garage is a nice thing :-))) Having space is always great.
Hug for you.

Prims By The Water said...

My nights have been going though my FIL's items deciding what to do with these items. We gave all of the food which was not expired to our food bank. We offered neighbors to come in take what they wanted. We do not need anything. Love your Santa and baby its cold outside here, but still no snow. Janice