Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

To Bedford and Back

Today I saw five deer down the road from home when I left for town.
They all stayed up close to the corn and watched me drive by.
37 degrees but clear and crisp.
Sunrise was at 7:23 and then it was sunny.
Morning Walk Steps were 13,191

Walked all over town up and down all the streets, both cemeteries and the ball park.

There was a light frost this morning and I snapped these pictures along the way.

John was out walking Prim and saw them on the way to the cemetery as I was coming down the hill.

A new grave has been dug and it is the second one I've seen this week.

Saw a few builders gathering at the second new house to be built and by the time I was back to the parking lot they had started working.

A car went speeding through town and as it went out the other end of town the driver was met by a police office!

☀️         🥾         🚔        🙂 

A good day to have a nice hot bowl of oatmeal for breakfast.  

This morning we went to Bedford, PA with the church trailer to drop off the finished boxed up Roman's books and pick up another 20,000 scriptures to assemble for our next Fingerprints work day coming up in a couple of weeks.
Trip went smoothly as well as the unloading and loading.
It takes us an hour and 20 minutes one way.

We didn't bother taking the trailer to church but just came home with it.
We'll drop the trailer off when we go to church this evening.

Got some more reading done this afternoon and should finish my book this evening.
If I don't, still have tomorrow morning before the book club meeting.

That's all for today.
Thanks for stopping by for a visit.

A warm smile is the Universal language of kindness.

William Arthur Ward


Tom said...

...since you have had a frost, now you can have some Indian Summer!

Deb J. in Utah said...

You and Ken are so faithful at helping with the Fingerprints ministry. Sounds like busy day. See you again tomorrow!

Lowcarb team member said...

It sounds a busy day but a good one :)

All the best Jan

Billie Jo said...

Bedford, Pa????? I know that place! We love Bedford! So beautiful!

Granny Marigold said...

It's beginning to look very Fall-ish with the frost on the ground.
I can't help but be glad that the speeder was met by a police officer. Too many people drive way too fast.

William Kendall said...

No frost here yet, that I know of.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The light frost on the grass is so pretty and ...well...frosty! And that red bush is beautiful!

Ann said...

Oh no, not a frost. It's getting closer and closer to winter all the time. 37 is a really cold start to the day. I don't think it's gotten that low here yet.
Gotta love it when karma catches up to people like with the person speeding through town.

eileeninmd said...

Love the beautiful colors and trees. We have not had the frost here yet.
There are way too many speeders around, not enough people to catch them.
Take care, have a great day!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Thank you for your help with the Fingerprints ministry.

God bless.

ellen b. said...

Glad that driver was met by the law! :) A busy driving day for you two! We are waiting for that first frost here.

Happy@Home said...

It seems like whenever I see someone speeding there's not a cop in sight. Glad there was one there in this instance.
The burning bush is such a pretty sight.

Bill said...

The frost makes the colours pop out on the trees and the red bush.

Jennifer said...

Hooray for picking up more scriptures! We will be having a scripture assembly next week (Thurs - Sat) and they will be bring all the new scriptures to us! We do this multi-day assembly once a year and always look forward to it! Then Brother Hummel preaches on Sunday!

Prims By The Water said...

A friend of mine has had 8 family funerals this year. It has been very hard on her. The picture of the open grave reminded me of that. I do love going to older cemeteries to look at the amazing gravestones. I am weird I know. LOL Janice

The Furry Gnome said...

We haven't had frost here yet!