Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

A Surprise

Two deer were at the end of my driveway when I left for town this morning.
I was at town and walking at 6:25.
It was 42 degrees and once the sun rose at 7:22 there was a mix of sun and clouds.
The morning was very calm and the little pond was as smooth as glass.
The fountain has been turned off for the season and we won't see it again till spring.

Walked down the main street in town with a little detour over to the library to drop another two DVD's down the drop.  
I picked up 4 movies at the library on Sat when I was there.
I shouldn't have bothered because all 4 movies were pretty bad!!!!

Continued walking and ended up at the DG Market, turned around in the parking lot and went back through town and out the other end toward home a ways.

Back to town once again and around the cemetery on top of the hill.

Saw Rebecca out running.
She was heading toward town while I was heading out of town.

A man who I haven't seen before was out walking too.
On my way home in the car I saw him again.
He must have gotten very warm because he had taken is shirt off!!!
Hard to imagine he could be that warm at 42 degrees!!

Morning Walk Steps were 13,303
Found a penny!

🌤         💰         🚶‍♀️         🙂

We picked up the church trailer this morning so we can go pick up some more scriptures in Bedford, PA tomorrow.
Brought the trailer home today so we can just leave from the house without having to go all the way to church to pick it up first.

Since we were down that way we did our shopping this week at Walmart.
We've been shopping there more often again because the prices are better.
I was looking around the store and happened to see these three nesting bowls and though I don't really need any more bowls these were so pretty I bought them.
Lids came with them too.

Had a lovely surprise waiting for me in the mailbox when we got home.
Lisa a very thoughtful blogger friend sent me a potholder for my collection with a card and on the card was a crocheted mini granny square.
The pot holder is already hanging on the wall with the others.
Thank you so much Lisa for the potholder and the kindness.
You made my day.
God Bless You.

Happy Tuesday and thanks for stopping by for a visit.

Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. 
Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.

Scott Adams


Tom said...

...Life is what you bake it, cute play on words!

Pom Pom said...

Aw! How nice! Lisa is a sweetie pie!

Deb J. in Utah said...

What a nice surprise. I love the new hot pad. I also really like those new bowls you got. They are so bright and pretty and will be a nice addition to your kitchen! Glad you had another nice day. See you again soon!

ellen b. said...

Pretty bowls and that was a very nice surprise to find in your mailbox.

Michelle said...

That is a nice surprise :) The photo of the smooth pond is just gorgeous.

Ann said...

Love the bowls. Those have to be Pioneer Woman bowls. I recognize her designs. I love her stuff.
What a nice surprise that was in the mail. I like the saying on the pot holder.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a lovely surprise! The trees there are beautiful. Pioneer Woman bowls! I have a lot of her things, and even painted the kitchen in all her colors to match. Her things are so beautiful! They can even be left out as decorations.

William Kendall said...

Everyone has their desired warmth level. I walk in shirt sleeves and shorts all summer. A colleague who grew up in Rwanda already was wearing a hoodie at the beginning of September.

Lisa said...

I’m a sucker for little bowls. I have more than I use. Those look like Pioneer Woman. I love her designs.
It’s starting to cool down here in North Carolina. Our lows have been around 42 with highs in the 70’s.

I’m glad you liked the pot holder. You are Welcome.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Deer oh deer.

God bless.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

What a lovely country stroll you had. I loved being able to travel along with you.

Bill said...

Nice pot holder and photos.

Debi said...

Such a pretty photo of the lake... so calm and peaceful. Those bowls would be hard to resist, they are cute. And such a sweet gift from Lisa!

Granny Marigold said...

I like those colourful bowls! And the pretty pot holder. I changed up a couple of mine today to reflect the season. If I spot one like yours somewhere I think I'll buy it.

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like three new bowls, they are nice and colourful.
How lovely to receive a new pot holder from Lisa.

All the best Jan

Prims By The Water said...

We heard the Walmart up the road an hour in a larger town scans the food higher than what listed on the shelves. When you purchase a lot of food you probably dont notice, but I know a few folks who have complained. The clerks answer each time was we will give you back your money this time, but not again. WHAT the heck. Rip folks off is ok??? What a nice gift you received. Janice

Prims By The Water said...

We heard the Walmart up the road an hour in a larger town scans the food higher than what listed on the shelves. When you purchase a lot of food you probably dont notice, but I know a few folks who have complained. The clerks answer each time was we will give you back your money this time, but not again. WHAT the heck. Rip folks off is ok??? What a nice gift you received. Janice