Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, October 28, 2023

60 degrees!

It was even warmer than yesterday when I started walking - 60 degrees!!!
It was a cloudy morning with a bit of a breeze.
Got to town and started walking at 6:35 and sunrise was at 7:41.
Morning Walk Steps 13,330

Walked through town over to the DG Market and turned around in the parking lot and then back through town up and down some side streets.
Continued around the ball park and the two cemeteries.

KitCat lives with two dogs and their owner was taking the dogs for a walk.
It always amazes me to see KitCat follow along and walks with them too.

A little more progress at the modular home site.
It now sits on the blocks.
I like the little porch in front.
I peeked in the side window and saw a kitchen on the far side and what will be the dining room or maybe the living room.
The back windows were too high for me to see into.

Went over to the big barn to see the cows.
Farmer Marvin was there and we talked a bit.
The cows here are heifers - the ones making all that noise last week.
They had just been taken out of the pasture away from their mothers and that is why they were making all that noise.
All these heifers were born here at the farm.

It felt like it would rain any moment but never did.

☁️         🙂         🥾          🍁

We were eating breakfast when there was a knock at the door.
Our neighbor had baked a pound cake and gave us half of it.
I took a little piece to taste and it was delicious.
Going to have a piece this evening for my snack along with a scoop of ice cream.

I gathered up one of my knitting projects and headed off to the library for a morning of knitting.
There were 5 of us there this morning.
The little boy James never did show up again.

This afternoon I got some reading in.
Supper is going to be home made pizza which Ken is making now as I type this.

Happy Saturday and thanks so much for stopping by.

Lighthouse Number Eight
Located in NC

Comment Replies:
Dianna - Ken and I will deliver a trailer load of 20,000 Romans books (Spanish) back to Bedford, PA to Beacon of Truth who in turn distributes them to missionaries who will hand them out.  In the inside cover it has the plan of salvation. When we drop off the books we will then get 20,000 more scriptures to bring back to church to assemble and it happens all over again.
Ken and have been involved with this ministry for 10 years now.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I can just imagine you kind of standing on your tiptoes peeking into the new home! I would have done the same!! I really love the cute little porch. Kitcat is an amazing cat!!

Debby said...

Oh, that module home will be nice once they start fixing it up. I've always been intrigued by them.

Tom said...

...we were 60 F early this morning and the temperature dropped as the day gone on. These sumacs are a wonderful pop of red. The house looks like it has a garage.

John's Island said...

Enjoyed this post. It is great to have neighbors who will bring over some cake to share!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

My grandson has bought a small modular home and is very slowly getting it ready to live in. I'm excited for him, but it is taking a lot of time to get it ready with only a few hours in the evening to work on it. Have a great weekend!

Prims By The Water said...

I do remember on both my grandparents farms when they separated the calves. Just a part of living on a farm and such a hard life. Homemade pizza sounds just wonderful. Janice

Granny Marigold said...

We had home made pizza for supper too ( with enough left over for tomorrow's supper. )
It was kind of your neighbour to share her pound cake.
Have a lovely Sunday ✝

Ann said...

I like the porch on that house too. I've always wanted a covered front porch.

eileeninmd said...

The house looks nice! I love all the cows.
I was enjoying the warm weather, it will be colder this coming week.
The pound cake sounds yummy, what a nice surprise from your neighbor.
Take care, have a happy day and a great new week!

Dianna said...

Thank you, Karen, for answering my question. What a ministry! I know when we first "met" you were involved with it, but I don't even remember how long it's been since that first time the four of us got together for dinner at the Casselman.

We had homemade pizza for supper too! :)

The modular looks really nice. I hope the people will be happy in their new home.

Mari said...

The modular home is looking good! Cows look happy too! :)

Bill said...

The modular home is nice. What a nice neighbor, they are a blessing to have.

HWIT BLOGG said...

Another lovely post with lovely pictures...
Have a great Sunday now!

Lowcarb team member said...

Another nice lighthouse.

All the best Jan

ellen b. said...

Wow...what a nice warm start to your walk! That is a nice looking modular. I'm always behind on the weekend!

Jeanette said...

Nice of your neighbor to share the pound cake! I bet it was delicious!

William Kendall said...

Beautiful fall reds.