Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, September 12, 2023



To town and walking at 6:20
55 degrees, calm, some patchy fog around and then sunny.
Sunrise 6:55
Morning Walk Steps 13,302

This is at the edge of town looking down the main road toward home.

Walked down the main road through town and over to the library to drop a DVD down the slot.
Then continued up and down some side streets and over to the industrial park and walked all around there.

Continued back through town and to the Jeep.

Saw Lisa walking at a distance when I first arrived in town.
Rebecca was walking Leo and we ran into each other by the how fast are you going speed sign.
The speed sign flashed between 3 and 4 as I approached it, I speeded up a bit and got it up to 5.
I'll have to try running past and see what it says.

Here's the progress on the new house in town.
Still doing the siding.


I think the house needs more windows!!

I found a dime.

🌤         🥾          🙂        💰

This week food shopping was done at the Shop and Save.
Didn't need much so we were in and out, also we practically had the store to ourselves.

Made Sweet and Sour Cucumber Salad which we are having with hot dogs for supper in just a few minutes.

David and Liz stopped by this afternoon after work and we all sat out on the front porch and had a nice visit.

Happy Tuesday
Thanks for visiting

Comment Replies:
Aritha - We call them mountains here but I'm sure people out west would call them hills!! 😀


Debi said...

I agree that the new house needs more windows!

Tom said...

...I love the fog on the barn!

Billie Jo said...

Pretty pictures!
And your dinner sounds delicious!

Lowcarb team member said...

I think the fog in your first photograph gives it an atmospheric feel.

All the best Jan

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, this beautiful misty farmhouse with the yellow wildflowers! Today's button reminds me of ones in the 50's!

Mari said...

You've had some really pretty mornings lately.
Thanks for the house pictures. They are coming along nicely, but I agree that more windows would be nice.

William Kendall said...

Your third shot is my favourite.

Hill Top Post said...

What a beautiful picture earned the top spot today! Mother Nature is certainly a Master Gardner. At 55 degrees I would be wearing a jacket.

Ann said...

I love that first picture. There's something about barns that I find appealing.
Yep, that house could use more windows for sure.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty scenes and photos.
I agree the house needs more windows.
Take care, have a wonderful day!

Debbie said...

Happy Wednesday! Sounds like a good walk today. The new house definitely needs more windows. It looks kind of plain. Also sounds like you had a nice evening :)

Happy@Home said...

Such pretty pictures from your walk. I think it is starting to look like fall.
I would agree that more windows would be nice.

Bill said...

The first photo is my favourite.

Granny Marigold said...

The first picture is my favourite and I see others felt the same way. The mist, the barn, and the goldenrod (?) just make it look great.