Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, September 22, 2023

Fiesta Pot Holder


In town and walking at 6:20
Sunrise was at 7:04
Temperature 49 degrees with a mix of sun and clouds
Morning Walk Steps were 13,461

A random walk all over town including both cemeteries and the ball park loop.

When I got up to the cemetery on the hill Lisa was already up there walking around and we stopped for a chat.
While we were talking John and Prim came up too and they stopped and joined us.

Spotted some orange fungus at the bottom of a tree.

The house that is for sale on the road between the cemeteries is having a yard sale tomorrow and have started setting up under the tent.

A small lot across the street from the cemetery was sold a while back.
I met the woman who bought it about a year or so ago when I was walking and she told me they were going to have a house built there in the spring.
Never saw her again.
Yesterday I was told that they were going to build a garage in the back and put a module home there on the lot.
Today walking by I see that work has begun.
Something else to watch develop.

🌤         🥾         🙂

Ken was driving in the woods on the tracker when he went over a log and ruptured the oil filter.
I went with him to buy a new filter and oil.
We got the oil in the DG Market of all places, then went to the dealer to get a new filter - thankfully they had one.

While in DG I saw this potholder on sale for $1 and bought it.
I have quite a few pieces of FiestaWare that I've collected over the years so thought it was perfect for my collection.
Came home and hung it up - I now have 23 of them hanging up by the ceiling.

Finally finished with the reading corner in the bedroom and have bedroom all back to order.
Now I just have to do the office and craft closet.
So many items were involved in the moving of those two pieces of furniture!

Friday so it's pizza day, Ken is making it as I type this, so off I go.

Happy Friday
Thanks for visiting

Comment Replies:
Deb - Don't know the square footage of the house but it is pretty small.  Walls inside aren't up yet but it looks like a bathroom and kitchen will be on the left and a living room and 2 bedrooms on the right.  Houses aren't sold - there will be 5 of them and all built on spec.


Tom said...

...your small town seems to have a lot of building going on!

Granny Marigold said...

It's been a while since either one of us acquired a new pot holder. I really like yours, the colours are striking ( and of course, you like Fiesta ware so it's perfect).

Debby said...

I really like your pot holders. So pretty.

Do you take them down occasionally to wash them? My house gets so dusty I would have to do that at least once a year.

Does it seem as if your small town is getting more populated? What is the population of Accident? I know you've mentioned it but I forgot.

Lowcarb team member said...

Your pot holders do look nice.
Enjoy your pizza :)

All the best Jan

Ginny Hartzler said...

You must have either very light furniture, or you are incredibly strong! I want to see your potholder collection and the reading corner in your bedroom! I have always wanted a reading corner, or maybe one with a bench in a bay window. But I would likely just end up back on my recliner. I have tons of seasonal potholders, but in a drawer. I once asked a young clerk in a store where the potholders were, and she did not know what a potholder is!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Sorry about thetractor mishap, it seems it is always something here with either tractor...flats seem to be the main event. I like these post holders and what a neat idea!

Mari said...

What a pretty sky!
Good for you getting all that work done!
I like the potholder. Perfect with your fiesta ware.

William Kendall said...

That first shot is my favourite.

eileeninmd said...

Love the sky shot! Your new pot holder is cute.
You have been busy moving furniture.
I hope to see a photo of your reading corner.
Have a great weekend.

Ann said...

What a fun way to decorate the kitchen with the potholders.
Yikes on the oil filter. Glad he was able to get a new one.

Bill said...

I wonder if they will get the module home up and settled before winter.