Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, September 21, 2023



No fog this morning.
It was 49 degrees with sun and clouds and no wind.
Sunrise was at 7:03
Morning Walk Steps were 13,610

Drove to town and started walking at 6:25.
One of those crazy random walks all over the place including both of the cemeteries and the ball park.

Saw a couple of rabbits hopping about.
I noticed this morning that I'm not hearing the birds chirping anymore.
Just hear crows and lots a crickets.

The siding on the house being built is completed and all windows (what there are of them) and doors are installed.
House is a bit plain looking and with so few windows but kind of cute.
I would have had a black garage door as well.



Lisa and Dwayne were out walking and John and Prim too.
I saw Rebecca a couple of times, once walking Leo and the other time running.
Stopped to talk to Bill - he's the town handyman and does a great job of keeping our town neat and tidy and things in working order.  
Today I thanked him for doing such a great job!

🌤         🥾         🙂

Left for church right after breakfast for a baby blanket work day.
There were 11 of us there.

Continued getting the house back in order after yesterdays moving furniture around but have a ways to go yet because I ran out of time this afternoon.
I'm making a little reading corner in my bedroom where the dresser was.

Happy Thursday
Thanks for stopping by.
 These buttons look like chocolate candy.

Comment Replies:
Ginny - Not sure what your asking about but the yellow is golden rod and the yellow/green tree looks more yellow because of the sun.
Yes, I do move furniture around on my own.

GrannyM - No, no dolly.  I use a small rug like you do to slide it along once I get to a wood floor.  Moving furniture on a rug I either walk it back and forth or just keep moving one side and then the other. I also take all the draws out and move them separately.  It takes a while but I get it done and don't have to ask for help.


Lowcarb team member said...

A nice looking sky, I like the clouds :)

All the best Jan

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

The house is plain but I like it too. A black garage door would look really nice. It's a blank slate for someone, and people always like to put their own stamp on a new home.

I pretty much move furniture on my own but I do ask for help more now, after my rotator cuff surgery and now the other shoulder is torn. I use my body to move heavy things and rugs and if I really can't do it, I ask my husband.

Tom said...

...garage doors on the front rarely make the house look better.

Mari said...

I think that house is cute too, but it really does need more windows. And yes, a black garage door would add something too.
I'm sure Bill appreciated you thanking him. People that do work for the public seem to get more complaints than thanks!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. Yes, the house is cute, but it sure looks small. Do you know how many square feet it is and how many bedrooms it has? I'm with you, I would have made the garage door black. Do you know if the house is already sold? It's nice that you stopped to tell Bill thank you. I always try to thank our school custodians thank you for all they do to keep the school clean and in good repair. I will see you again tomorrow.

Hill Top Post said...

The new house is kind of cute. At least there won't be lots of windows to keep clean. I am missing the songs of the birds when I go walking. The crows are fun though.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The house is very plain, but I think it really needs more windows!!! Sweater buttons! Thanks for your answer!

Ann said...

That house is very plain. It wouldn't be bad if it had more windows. And you're right the garage door would look better if it were black.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful sky capture! I think a black garage door would look better and more windows on the side. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Sounds perfect for a brisk walk! Enjoy your day!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Nice house. Quite large.

God bless.

William Kendall said...

I imagine some birds may have already begun to migrate.

Bill said...

A beautiful sky and day, a great one for a nice walk.

Jeanette said...

That certainly is a plain house. I don't think I could live in a house with so few windows! I agree that the garage door should be black.