Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, August 18, 2023


Drove to town and started walking at 6:25.
Sunrise was at 6:31 same as yesterday.
It was a cloudy morning, 59 degrees with a few peeks of sun.

Walked over to the library first to drop off a couple of DVD's down the slot.
Then continued all around town, the cemeteries, and the ball park.

I saw RuthAnn at the post office as I walked by and Eric was out walking Sparky around the cemetery.

No more work on the new houses but all the plywood for the roof sheathing was delivered and sitting out front.

A few leaves here and there have started to turn color already. 
Not many but a few to let me know that fall is on the way.

Saw 4 deer in someones back yard.

Morning Walk Steps were 14,240

☁️         ðŸ¥¾         ðŸŒ¥

Ended up being a nice sunny day and got some laundry done.
It stayed cool and a bit of wind picked up during the day.

Got my weekly housework done and then had time for knitting and reading.

Happy Friday

This button reminds me of a hubcap on a car.


Deb J. in Utah said...

It is still hot here but there is a hint of fall in the air. I hope you have a good weekend.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The leaf is beautiful! I have not seen one like it here yet. I agree about the hubcap! It also looks like some kind of Masonic emblem.

Michelle said...

We have a very hot week ahead starting on Sunday. I am ready for fall. Thank you for your comment and the tomatoes and eggs I had for breakfast were from the fruits of my labor....and my chickens :)

Tom said...

...the Rose of Sharon is a beauty.

Lowcarb team member said...

What a beautiful colour bloom in your first photograph.

All the best Jan

Mari said...

I love Rose of Sharon flowers!
You had a good walk and productive day. That feels good!
The button makes me think of the roaring 20's style.

Kerri Farley said...

Love the leaf - and very cool button!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Really beautiful flowers.

God bless.

Ann said...

I've been noticing a few subtle hints here and there that fall is right around the corner. That leaf is really pretty.
It was quite windy here yesterday and the highest I saw the temp was only 68.

eileeninmd said...

The flowers are pretty. We are seeing some leaves turning, it seems early.
Kind of chilly this morning only 59° here. Have a great weekend.

Sandi said...

Beautiful photos! 🌸

Aritha Vermeulen said...

That flower! So nice. Hiere it is a warm day but I walked in the forest, slowly, slowly....

Bill said...

We have a tree that hangs over the river and some of its leaves are changing colour.

Inger said...

I find your daily walks so interesting and I'm always looking forward to finding out where you walked, how the weather was, who you met, and so on. Oh, and how many steps you walked. It's interesting to me because of you, my blogger friend. It's our connection as blogger friends, it's both a very interesting way to connect, and wonderful too, in so many ways. I think people who don't blog would never understand this.

Granny Marigold said...

Yes, I can definitely see that the button resembles a hubcap.
I must keep my eyes open for pretty Fall leaves. I press them in a book for a few days then keep them around randomly. It's no secret that I love Fall.

William Kendall said...

Our temps for the coming days should stay in the twenties Celsius.

ellen b. said...

I see why that button reminds you of a hubcap!