Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, July 07, 2023

Pizza Dough


Another sunny morning walk and 65 degrees.
That is quite warm for here early in the morning with no breeze.
I'm not use to sweating when I walk.
Sunrise 5:56
Morning Walk Steps 13,123

First walked over to the building site before the workers got
there so I could take a picture.
They finally started on the house where they cleared the land
some time ago across from the day care.
Looks like the footings were dug and the house won't have a
basement but be on a slab.
Will be interesting watching another house being built and
to see how long it will take.
Looks like it will be like the twin houses.

Next I walked around both of the cemeteries.
I've been to the big barn a lot but not down to the other barn and
 barn yard so went down there to see what's happening.
I was surprised to see no cows or bulls at all and looks like they
haven't been there for a while.

Continued my walk over to the ball park and around there.
A new playground was put in and the workers were finishing up
by putting mulch around everything.

Next walked around town till my wrist vibrated and then it was
back to the Jeep.

Two yard sales getting set up.
One at the church and another along main street in town.
Didn't stop to look at either one.

🌤    🚶‍♀️    🙂

Got another load of laundry hung out on the line
and then baked another batch of Chocolate Chippers.
That was the last batch and makes 20 dozen for the Bible Time kids.

We made a trip to the dump to get rid of our garbage
and also did a couple errands in town.

Finished reading The Lost Apothecary (book club).
It was pretty good, I liked it, but nothing special.
It was time split and I would have liked it better without the
present time part.

When we went to Walmart the other day we picked up some already made
Pepe's pizza dough to try.
Well let me tell you, it was very good, better than the 
dough the bread machine makes.
Ken says the dough is very easy to work with.
Don't think I'll be making pizza dough in the bread machine anymore.

Thanks for stopping by
Happy Friday


Nellie said...

You are a pro at baking those cookies! Yay for finding good pizza dough at the store! I really enjoy watching progress when a new house is being built.

Tom said...

...we just finish supper of pizza that we make on flat bread from Aldi. It a fast and taste meal. Are many houses in your area built of slabs? I hope that you find lots of hearts in your travels.

ellen b. said...

Good for you for baking all those chippers for Vacation Bible School! Wow! Love all the hearts you've spotted. Good to know about that pizza dough. Of course here on the west coast it will be another brand.

Mari said...

VBS is happening at our church next week. I'll be the VBS nurse on my day off from work. :)
I wonder if that pizza dough is available around here. I'll be checking.
I like the heart!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Is this dough in the fridge or freezer? Because I will buy some and try it. Your first pic of the wildflowers is gorgeous! I call all weeds wildflowers.

Hill Top Post said...

Another great picture to start off your post. It has been awhile since I haven’t sweated on my daily walk.

Granny Marigold said...

I like to stop at yard & garage sales and check for inexpensive books. Our local library doesn't have older books and a lot of the newer books are not my cup-of-tea.

Ann said...

I can't imagine not having a basement on my house. I know there are lots of houses without them but I like having one. I guess maybe just because I always have.
That sure is a lot of chocolate chip cookies. I'm sure the kids will love them.
That's a really cool heart in that tree.

Debbie said...

I hope I can find the dough here!

And where do you store all of those cookies?

eileeninmd said...

I like the pretty colors on the first photo.
The pizza dough sounds great, I will look for it here.
Love the heart photo. Have a happy weekend.

Bill said...

Very pretty first photo. Nice capture of the tree heart.

Lowcarb team member said...

Love your first photograph ...

All the best Jan

Debi said...

I buy the Walmart pizza dough too. I also make it with my AFB starter but I always keep a bag or two of the Walmart dough in the freezer for "pizza emergencies"! Love the tree heart. I used to collect hearts but not anymore. I wonder where the bulls and cows are. I hope they come back! Have a great week!

Billie Jo said...

Thank you for the pizza dough idea! I am always looking for new ones to try. Your walk sounds lovely. One of these days, I will get my lazy butt up and go myself!!! Have a cozy afternoon, my friend!

William Kendall said...

I do not do well in this heat.