Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, July 06, 2023

Corn Hole


It was sunny and 64 degrees when I walked this morning.
Sunrise 5:56
Morning Walk Steps 13,042

I had a nice walk around the Farm Loop today.

Didn't see anyone else out that way which isn't unusual
and only 1 car passed me.

This silo has been leaning like this ever since we moved here 10 years ago.
Every time I walk by I wonder if it will still be standing.

This is from the other side.

After the Farm Loop I still had a little more walking to do so
walked around the ball park loop a couple of times.

Back in town I saw Sheila running and asked if she ever runs around
the Farm Loop.  She didn't know about it and after I told her she
said she'd give it a try sometime.
She was worried about cars but told her that is NOT a problem.

☀️    🐓    🐄    🚶‍♀️

This morning when I was hanging clothes on the line a little butterfly
landed on me and stayed there.  It moved from my leg to my shoulder
and the whole time I was out there it moved around on me.
I finally had to brush it off me when I went inside.
Never had that happen to me before.


I mentioned my mantel in my post yesterday and I noticed that everyone
who mentioned it in comments spelled it

Bill and I were the only ones who spelled it

Both spellings are correct.
Mantel has only one meaning but
Mantle has a few different ones.
If you're interested you can read about both words

Ken and I played our first game of Corn Hole this afternoon
on the one that he made.
The indoor/outdoor carpeting worked out great.
I am happy to say I beat Ken 21 - 6.

I finally finished knitting the white little afghan.
Also have sewed half of the weave-it squares together on the
baby blanket for July.

Thanks for visiting
Happy Thursday
Starting another picture series.
This one will be of hearts.
Could only find 2 hearts around town on first look except
for the hearts on gravestones.
If I can't find any more I'll use the hearts around my house.


Tom said...

...your cornhole court is great.

Ginny Hartzler said...

My favorite photo is the third...the beautiful way the sun is shining on the grass. I had to think before I typed mantel. Did not know about the different spellings! One meaning is something like a cloak.

Lowcarb team member said...

Beautiful photographs from your walk, that silo does lean quite badly.

All the best Jan

Mari said...

Pretty pics today! I love that barn.
Good job on beating Ken!
I've never seen it spelled mantel before - interesting!

Ann said...

Way to go on the cornhole game.
It sure looks like a beautiful day there. That silo is leaning a lot. I would be wondering if it was still standing every time too.

Granny Marigold said...

Corn Hole looks like fun but I think Ken needs some practice.
Our temperature was the same as yours this morning. Now (just past 4) it's 30C 86F. A bit too warm for me.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You're having such good weather and I know you love being outside. HOT here so I'm getting things done inside. Enjoy your week!

ellen b. said...

Great photos! Congrats on winning at Corn Hole!

Hill Top Post said...

Your second picture gets my vote for Picture of the Day. You might consider giving Ken a little help with Corn Hole! Ha Ha!
Yesterday I would have voted the socks number 1.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Wonderful photos. Thanx.

God bless.

Bill said...

Nice photos! The corn hole sounds like fun. The leaning silo is quite something to see, it must have a good foundation if it has been standing like that for ten years.

Jeanette said...

Love playing cornhole! You are pretty good at it!

William Kendall said...

Terrific shots!