Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, July 08, 2023

Slides now and then


This morning on my walk there was a mix of sun and clouds.
Temperature was 62 degrees and calm.
Sunrise 5:57
Morning Walk Steps 13,128

Started my walk going back towards home, turned around after
a 1/2 mile and went back to town.

Walked through town to the Dollar General and walked
up and down the road behind the store.
Then around the industrial park, 
once around the ball park loop,
and back to the Jeep.

Lots of activity around town.
Saw John walking Prim, Rebecca walking Leo, a man walking a dog,
a runner, and another walker.

I counted 6 yard sales setting up!!

A house in town was getting new shingles on the roof.

The playground is all spruced up.
Everything is plastic these days.

I remember playing on a real slide.
Those big tall metal ones.
If it wasn't slippery and you didn't slide down easily we
all ran home to get wax paper and go down the slide sitting on it.
Boy did we go then.
Yes, I know it is safer now a days but going down a little plastic
slide can't be as much fun.
You don't see many sea-saws either or the merry go rounds where 
you would hold on to it and run around and make
it go fast and then jump on.
I'm sure glad I was a kid when I was!!

Saw some white cone flowers in town.
Don't see many white ones, mostly the pink ones which I have at my house.

Queen Anne's Lace I see has started popping up in places now.

🌤    🚶‍♀️    🙂

Back to town again after breakfast and Ken and I did 
a little shopping at the Dollar General.

In the afternoon I went outside and puttered around a bit.
Gave all my flowers in pots a good watering.
The daisies in front have started blooming,
as well as the cone flowers.
The deer like them though so they don't do as well.
I don't mind, I'd rather have the deer than the flowers.

Started reading Daybreak by Belva Plain.
This is one of my own books that I've had around for quite awhile
on my to read shelf.

Thanks for stopping by
Happy Saturday

Comment Replies:
Debbie - I put the cookies in plastic zip lock bags and then they go in the freezer.

GrannyM - We have a small library too but any book you want they will get for you.  We just put in a request for the book and they contact other libraries and the book will get shipped it to our library where we pick it up.

Ginny - We got Pepe's pizza dough at Walmart in the freezer section.

Tom - Most all the houses around here have basements.  The area where they are building these new houses is a bit wet and probably would just have wet basements.
It is either that or it is cheaper not to put them in.


Granny Marigold said...

Those white Coneflowers look so healthy. I have 5 coneflowers that I bought in Spring. They are not growing as fast as I'd like but I suppose I'll just have to be patient.

I remember those old slides but I never knew about the wax paper trick. That must have been a lot of fun!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. It's true that there is a lot more thought given to safety today. Honestly, I am glad I grew up when I did too. I am not sure that all the "mollycoddling" is really all that good for young people. Just my opinion. I have never bought frozen pizza dough. Perhaps I will look for that. Glad you had a good day. See you again soon!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thanks for your answer, I'll be going to Wal-Mart. You live in Accident Maryland? What an odd name!

Mari said...

Your flower pics are pretty!
I'll have to stop in a Wal Mart to see if the dough is in this area.
I agree on parks. I miss those slides, teeter totters and merry go rounds!

Tom said...

...that first image is magical.

Ann said...

Wow, there was a lot going on in town. I've always liked coneflowers. That playground is so different from the ones when I grew up. I agree, I'm glad I grew up when I did.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Beautiful flowers.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

The first scene and photo is lovely. Beautiful coneflowers, they are a favorite. I was just talking to my hubby about using wax paper on a metal sliding board. Take care, have a happy day and a great new week!

Jeanette said...

That was a busy Saturday morning in town! I remember those slides. They seemed to high to me when I was small and also they got so hot in the sun they would burn the back of your legs!

Bill said...

I remember those metal slides. I had the idea to run down the slide but I fell and cut my leg. My sister was with me and then we had to go home. :)

ellen b. said...

Smiling about the sliding on wax paper! Fun!

Debi said...

Your town was busy! I've never seen white coneflowers, just the pink ones like you said. I'd rather have the flowers than the deer! Flowers here are beginning to bloom too. It seems so much later than other places! Have a great week!

Lowcarb team member said...

The cone flowers and the Queen Anne's Lace are nice to see.

All the best Jan

William Kendall said...

They started making playgrounds safer after I was a kid.