Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, June 06, 2023


 When I started walking this morning it was 47 degrees and
mostly cloudy, but it did end up sunny.
Sunrise 5:50
Morning Walk Steps 13,744

Started my walk going down the main road toward home for a 1/2 mile
and then turned around and went back to town.
Continued walking around both of the cemeteries.

I noticed little tiny sprouts of corn popping out of the ground.
You can barely see them because the corn is only 1 inch tall.
Will enjoy watching it grow!!

Next walked the long way around to the ball park and walked that loop
a couple of times.

Stopped by the Jeep to pick up a DVD (Luther) and then walked to
the library and dropped it down the slot.
It is a British cop show.
We watched 2 episodes of it but didn't care for it so won't be
finishing the series.

I saw John out walking his dog Prim again.
Now that the weather is nice he says he will be back to walking
first thing in the morning.

☁️    🌤    🥾    😊

Food shopping day and this week we went to the Shop and Save.

We sat out back on the deck watching the chipmunks chase each other,
the robins flying around, a woodpecker, and the deer came walking by.
We went inside when the bees came around.
Noticed that there is a nest under the picnic table.
This evening Ken is going to spray it.

I moved the two tomato plants to the back deck.
It gets more sun there.

I baked one of those pudding cakes.
This time I used a white cake mix and lemon pudding.
Looking forward to this evening when we have a piece for our snack.
We'll skip our ice cream tonight.

Thanks for stopping by.
Enjoy this day.😊

Comment Replies:
Ginny - Yes, we did name Rocky Raccoon!! 😀🦝
GrannyM - You are right raccoons are nocturnal.  Rocky leaves his home late afternoon and doesn't return till early in the morning. 


Tom said...

...corn is popping up here too.

Michelle said...

Corn grows so fast. It is fun watching it grow.

Connie said...

Looks yummy, do you have a recipe for it on your other blog? Look at me, I'm trying to lose weight and what interests me most on your blog (walking and getting exercise or eating cake), sometimes I think I'm a lost cause.

My Shasta Home said...

I love anything lemony. Yum - that's all I can think about now.

William Kendall said...

Corn grows fast.

ellen b. said...

Yum! That pudding cake would be delicious with lemon pudding. Looks like a great morning walk. We sure have a lot of mosquitoes this season. I'm buying a new device to help with the mosquitoes. Hope it works! Have a good Wednesday!

Granny Marigold said...

I hope all goes well when Ken sprays the bees nest....or are they wasps? Either way they won't be very happy with him.
The pudding cake looks delicious. I made cake and cupcakes today and that should last until the weekend.

Hill Top Post said...

It won’t take long for the corn to be taller than you. Your cake looks delicious.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Rocky is the perfect name. How I would love to see those Chipmunks! We had them when I was a little girl. Some would come up to our hand for a peanut. But it took weeks and you had to be so patient! They are very skittish, and rightly so.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Beautiful sunrise.

God bless.

Ann said...

Sounds like a perfect day except for the bees.

eileeninmd said...


Sounds like a nice day, except for the bees.
I've seen a deer in our yard this week.
Your cake sounds delicious, I like lemon.
Take care, enjoy your day!

R's Rue said...


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. That cake looks so good. I sure hope your tomato plants do well. See you again soon!

Visits With Mary said...

Watching the corn grow will be something fun to see on your walks. I love sitting outside, I liked hearing about you being on your deck watching all the nature around you. Those pesky bees make me nervous when they get too close. BTW, I love Junior Mints too:)

Bill said...

That's a beautiful sunrise. Must be nice and relaxing watching the wildlife that comes through your area.

Happy@Home said...

Yum, I'll bet you enjoyed that cake. It looks delicious.
How fun it will be to watch those tiny corn sprouts grow up.
I hope you have success with your tomato plants.

Debi said...

I love pudding cake... it does make for a nice snack. We had ice cream tonight... hadn't had it in a long time. When we go to town we travel by a cornfield and I'm always amazed at how fast that corn grows!