Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, June 13, 2023



48 degrees this morning and the sun was back and shining.
Bit of a breeze but not bad.
Sunrise 5:49
Morning Walk Steps 13,036

Started my walk going up and down the main street through town.
Then down toward home a ways and back.

A logging truck coming through town.  
I was walking facing traffic and turned around to take the picture.

Walked around the one cemetery and was about to walk up to
the other one when I saw Kinsley.
Kelly stopped the car and Kinsley got out to get her hug.
I asked Kelly if it was alright to take a picture of Kinlsey and put
it on my blog.  She said yes.
Meet my little friend Kinsley.
I've never seen her without that smile!!

I continued my walk up to the other cemetery and over to the barn,
then over to the ball park and walked the loop.
Back through town and up a few side streets.

This old house in town continues to deteriorate.
I wonder how many animals are living in it now with the open windows.

Quite a few people walking about town this morning.
Rebecca and Leo
John and Prim
Shiela was running
Saw Rebecca for a second time running

🌀    πŸ₯Ύ    😊

Was able to get the sheets washed and hung outside with the nice weather.

We went out and got a few errands done.

Food shopping at Casselmans Market. 
There is a Dollar General in the same strip mall so I got
a couple of birthday cards there.

Stopped at the gravel place and ordered a truck
load of gravel.  We usually take our trailer and pick up the gravel
ourselves but we needed a lot so got it delivered.
The truck load saved us getting 10 trailer loads.
It costs more getting it delivered but we sure saved gas and time.

They were able to deliver it this afternoon.
20 tons

We will be putting the gravel in various places.
Some of the gravel is for David (son) too.

That's it for today.

Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Tuesday

 Some of you have mentioned the smily faces.  
One day I went around town drawing them all over the place 
and then took pictures of them.
I'll post one a day till I run out of pictures.
πŸ™‚    😊    πŸ˜€    πŸ€—     πŸ˜„


Tom said...

...Kinsley has a million dollar smile!

Michelle said...

Wonderful to see your friend Kinsley :)

Lowcarb team member said...

Kinsley has a lovely smile.

All the best Jan

Mari said...

I'm glad you spread joy around!
Hi Kinsley, It's nice to meet you!
That's a lot of gravel. Now you get to spread it around. :)

Billie Jo said...

So nice to meet your smiling friend!
What a great way to start your day.
Have a cozy evening, and thanks for the smiles!

Ginny Hartzler said...

How cool to actually see kinsley! She has very good taste in friends.

Ann said...

Nice to put a face to the name. Kinsley is adorable and such a bright happy smile.

eileeninmd said...

Kinsley has a beautiful smile, adorable photo.
Love the first view of the field and barns.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

That's a load of gravel.

God bless.

Debbie said...

What a sweet, little friend you have!! And too bad about that house in town! Chip and Joanna Gaines need to come save it :)

Looks like you'll be busy spreading gravel for awhile! We need some too :)

Visits With Mary said...

I would love a hug from Kinsley too, what a sweet smile she has! I love your smiley faces, such a great idea. I would bet they have made others smile too. 48* - that's wonderful, we're looking at highs in the low 100's for the next few days. Whew, makes me hot just thinking about it.

Bill said...

Kinsley has a beautiful smile.

ellen b. said...

Fun to see sweet Kinsley! We have those kinds of logging trucks pass by our house every day here! They are loud. :)

My Shasta Home said...

What a bright smile Kinsley has. It's always nice to have friends in all age groups.

My Shasta Home said...

What a bright smile Kinsley has. It's always nice to have friends in all age groups.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Kinsley looks like such a sweet and happy little girl. No wonder she likes you. She is happy and so are you! It was fun to see her picture. You have a big job spreading all the gravel.

Granny Marigold said...

That deteriorating house must have looked so nice when it was new. It looks beyond fixing up by now.

Nice to see a picture of Kinsley. She looks like a sweetheart.

Rose said...

Kinsley looks so sweet...to see her and get a hug is a great start to the day!