Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Rainy Walk

 Lots of rain this morning when I walked.
It was 52 degrees with a cold rain and very windy.

I need to wear rain pants, slicker, and use my umbrella in
order to stay dry when it rains hard.
It was much too windy for the umbrella so I did get wet.
My rain pants leak when they get too wet and the rain drips
down my face and neck and gets my shirt wet.

Walking wasn't quite as pleasant as it could be so cut my walk
short and only walked 9,822 steps.

I walked around the cemetery, the ball park and up and down
the streets in town.
Sometimes the wind would hold me back and other times push me along!

No other crazy people out walking.

Work has started on the church in town.
The old siding is coming down.

🌧    🙂    🥾    🌧

I did house chores in the morning.

The rain went away by lunch time and we had sun and clouds
but it stayed very windy and only in the 50's.

We went to the library to drop off some DVD's and picked up some more. 
We got Season 3 of the new All Creatures Great and Small.

Found out that the book club selection for next month is
The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner.
Did NOT reserve it yet though because I don't want to read
it too far in advance.
I'll put it on hold next week.

In this addictive and spectacularly imagined debut, a female apothecary secretly dispenses poisons to liberate women from the men who have wronged them—setting three lives across centuries on a dangerous collision course. Rule #1: The poison must never be used to harm another woman.

Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Wednesday


The Furry Gnome said...

You're not a crazy person, you're a committed person!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This book is supposed to be wonderful! Is the church remaining open during the working?

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Every time I read that you went to the library I am reminded that I need to renew my library card. After the pandemic I let it expire but the real reason I no longer go - is there is a rowdy homeless encampment in front of the library and they harass the visitors - mess with the cars in the parking lot and take over the inside of the library. The last time I was there, a man, had a bowel movement in his pants, and by law, nothing could be done. The thing is our library is beautiful (or it used to be) but it's been taken over. You can't use the restrooms because they are being used for clean up - We only have one in my town - I plan to renew and then utilize another library close by in another town. And to think, the library is right next door to the police station. Crazy times.

Tom said...

...I enjoyed my day looking out at the rain.

Debbie said...

That book sounds good! I'll have to look into that one.

Mari said...

I wish some of that rain would come our way. It's so dry here.
That church is going to look nice!
Hope you tell us how you like that book when you get done with it.

ellen b. said...

We are just now getting a good soak of rain. I'm happy to not have to water. We've really enjoyed All Creatures Great and Small.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I don't enjoy walking in the rain because my glasses get wet or fog up and then I can't see. I have heard good things about that book you are reading next for your book club. You will have to tell us how you like it!

Ann said...

You are very dedicated to your walking. I can't get myself to go out in good weather. I know I wouldn't go in the rain.

eileeninmd said...

You are committed to walking, I found I can get a lot of steps around the house on a rainy day. Take care, enjoy your day!

Rose said...

A chilly walk by the sounds of it...

Jeanette said...

It's been rainy here (which I like, we need it!) and also cooler (which I don't like, it's summer, I want heat!) The Lost Apothecary is on my Goodreads list. I'll have to check for it at my library!

William Kendall said...

That church work is quite a project.

Bill said...

No rain here today just sun and clear skies. The church's project is a big one.