Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, May 18, 2023

Updates around town

 A sunny morning, 40 degrees, and windy.
Sunrise 6:00
Morning Walking Steps 13,846
Found a quarter 

Walked up the hill to the cemetery first thing and walked around
it a couple of times.
Didn't go see the cows in the big barn because a tractor was
going back and forth bringing bales of hay
and I didn't want to get in the way.

Saw Kinsley and her mom Kelly again today and got another hug from Kinsley.
Makes me smile when I hear Miss Karen, Miss Karen whenever she sees me.

Walked through town and walked all around the industrial park.
Also went up and down the road behind the Dollar General.

A few weeks ago I took a picture of what I though was going to
be a building site.  I was wrong, it is a parking lot for the
workers at the G & W, the lumber yard in town.

Walked back through town and up and down some side streets.

The people who live here have put out their lawn furniture on the porch.
Every year they put it out, leave the plastic covers on it and I've
NEVER seen them sitting on it.

An update on the door structure that Kermit made.
It now has an old stove in it and I'm pretty sure it works.

Another thing to update around town is that the bank is now completely open!!
Both the drive thru out back and the lobby too.

☀️    πŸ₯Ύ    πŸ’°    🚜    πŸ™‚

It was a Baby Blanket work morning and I left right
after breakfast for church.  (35 minute drive)
There were 8 of us there this time.
Jane brought breakfast and Pam gave the devotional.
 Always enjoy my time with the ladies.

Ken wasn't home when I got back so I made a sandwich and
sat out on the back deck and ate my lunch.
So nice and peaceful eating and listening to all the birds.
Was hoping some deer would walk through but not today.

Did just a few house chores and then did my usual
afternoon reading and knitting.

Ken had put hot sausages with some sauce in the slow cooker
and we had them on rolls for supper.

That's it for today.
Thanks for popping in for a visit.
Happy Thursday 

Comment Replies:
Debby - The pond in town is stocked with trout.🐟
No, neither Ken nor I have any interest in fishing.🐠🎣


Tom said...

...things are looking great in your little town!

Happy@Home said...

That is such a pretty porch. If I lived there I would be sitting there often. Do you get much pollen in your area? Here we are waiting for that long stretch (pollen season) to end so that we can hose down all of the outdoor furniture. I can't count how many times I have wiped off the patio table and the rag is yellow when I'm done. I think the end is in sight.

Mari said...

I like that porch, but having the furniture covered with plastic seems rather pointless!
The door structure is ingenious!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Sausage sandwiches sound good. Wonder why those people don't use their furniture, it's a nice porch.

William Kendall said...

Why would you put out porch furniture but not use it?

Debby @ From My House to Yours said...

I'm wondering if they also have plastic on their sofa and furniture in the house...that is just strange. I didn't know people still do that anymore. I remember my next-door neighbor when I was a kid, had plastic on her sofa and on her lampshades.

Oh well, to each his own.

Granny Marigold said...

Our next door neighbours did the same thing....they made a nice sitting area in the back with a BIG BBQ ( there's just the 2 of them) and a set of beautiful chairs covered with plastic. I've never seen them use the BBQ or sit on those chairs.

Granny Marigold said...

Forgot to add that I wonder if the stove is a working one and whether it will be used when the weather heats up. Could come in handy.

Deb J. in Utah said...

I like that house with the covered up patio furniture. It looks like a very nice old home. I wonder why they don't just use and enjoy their nice front porch and the furniture. Glad you had a nice time with your baby blanket group. See you again tomorrow!

ellen b. said...

You are a great historian for all the things happening in your town. That is sweet to hear Kinsley call out to you! Sounds like a nice baby blanket group, too. Take care...

Ann said...

I can't imagine having that big beautiful porch with that furniture and not using it. I would be there often.

Debbie said...

I always wish I could walk around your town :) It just looks like a quaint place to walk. And to add to the comments about the porch furniture covered in plastic...what in the world? :) and they have the perfect porch to sit on!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

What a lovely place where to live.

God bless.

Sandi said...

How strange about the plastic.

Henny Penny said...

Amazing how you always find interesting things to post about and take pictures of even though you walk in the same town every day. I never could understand why anyone would want to keep furniture covered in plastic. Why not enjoy what you've paid for. You sure can't take it with you. :) My ex mother-in-law used to cover all her living room furniture so it wouldn't get messed up. I want to see and enjoy my stuff. Enjoy your posts.

Bill said...

It's too bad the people don't enjoy their front porch and furniture. It's a great place to sit and watch whatever comes by.

eileeninmd said...

Sounds like good things happening in your town. Maybe the lawn furniture is only for decoration, strange. Take care, have a happy weekend.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They tend to use a kind if fork lift for moving round bales here. Not sure I would want a stove out the front of my house

Lowcarb team member said...

I like that porch, it doesn't make sense to keep the furniture covered.

All the best Jan