Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, May 17, 2023


When I walked this morning it was 50 degrees and cloudy
with just a little bit of a breeze.
Sunrise 6:01
Morning Walking Steps 13,430 

Started my walk going up to the cemetery and then visiting the cows.

Farmer Marvin was sweeping hay back into the feeding troughs.

Walked around the cemetery a couple of times.
Heading back down the hill passing the pond I saw the geese again
with her babies.  There are 4 of them.

 There were two fishermen around the pond.

The fountain in the pond has been acting up and Bill was trying to figure why. 

My little friend Kinsley was getting dropped off at the day care center
and she ran over to give me a hug.
All this time I've known her and her mom, I never did knew what her
moms name was until today - Kelly.

Walked around the other cemetery and then the ball park loop.
Continued walking around town up and down all the side streets.

Passing by a house in town with a fenced in yard that you can't see
into I heard a sheep or goat.  I tried to peek through a little gap
in the fence but couldn't see anything.
I'm thinking maybe it was one of those little pigmy goats.

I was walking down the road by the post office when I hear
someone say Hi Karen.
Turned to look and it was Kathy. (Our Pastors wife)
She couldn't stop because there was a car behind her.
She has started working up at the school.

Nearing the end of my walk the clouds were starting to move
off and out came the sun.

🙂    ☁️     🥾     ☀️

Yesterday shopping we bought some blueberries - buy one 
container and get the second one free.
So this morning I made some blueberry pancakes.
We've decided we like blueberry ones better than strawberry.

On line I found a recipe for Blueberry Cookies and baked some.
Yummy, they are good.
It is soft cookie and more like a bite of cake than a cookie.

Our Pastor loves anything made with blueberries so in a little
while when we go to church I'm going to bring him some.
Just a little surprise to say thank you for all he does.

Ended up being a beautiful sunny day though it stayed on the cool side.

That's all I've got for today.
Thanks for stopping in.
Happy Wednesday


Debby @ From My House to Yours said...

Blue berries are tasty. What types of fish are in the pond that people catch? Do you and your husband fish?

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I eat blueberries nearly every morning. My usual breakfast is oatmeal and blueberries. Yummy and healthy. That is so nice of you to bake cookies for your pastor.

Ginny Hartzler said...

A very eventful walk today!

Mari said...

That's a big piece of farm equipment.
I love blueberries. I'm sure your pastor was very appreciative of those treats.

Tom said...

..you sure have beautiful farms in your area, but I see that it not John Deere country. My wife bought blueberries too, blueberry pancakes this weekend.

William Kendall said...

I tend to prefer blueberry to strawberry.

Rose said...

I bet the hug from Kinsley was sure a bright spot in your day! There is just something about a hug from a child.

Hill Top Post said...

Your first two shots of the farming equipment are awesome. I love blueberries and have my own bush.

Granny Marigold said...

You finally found out Kinsley's mom's name which conveniently begins with the letter K as well. I find it hard remembering all the folk's names that we meet and greet every morning. I do know a lot of their dog's names though.

Ann said...

That's a good deal on blueberries. The pancakes and the cookies sound delicious.

Bill said...

The goose walking with hwr babies and heading to the pond is beautiful.

eileeninmd said...

The farm land is beautiful. I like the shots of the geese and the last one of the pond. Blueberry pancakes are yummy. Take care, enjoy your day!

ellen b. said...

I think it is great that you are a daily fixture in your town, walking.

Lowcarb team member said...

Blueberries are one of our favourite fruits.

All the best Jan