Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Mostly Outside

Temperature when I walked this morning was 62 degrees!!
That's a summer morning temperature.
It was calm with a mix of sun and clouds.
Sunrise 6:54
Morning Walking Steps 12,976

First up was walking around both of the cemeteries.
Went down to see the 'girls' in the barnyard
and also over to the big barn to see the cows.
Looks like a few more calves have been born.

A look at the Drane house from the barnyard.

Continued walking over to the ball park and around it a couple times.
Then through town and up and down all the side streets.

I saw Sheila out running.  Haven't seen her a long time.
We just say a few words to each other as we pass. 
I've noticed runners don't like to stop.

A couple of men were on top of the garage in town replacing lights.
Phil popped his head out the door of the car dealership to wave and say hi.

I walked down the road to see what all the chain sawing was about and
sad to say a beautiful tree lined driveway which I have always
loved won't be tree lined anymore.
Hopefully some of the trees will still be standing.
Will have to wait and see.

This is a before picture.

πŸ₯Ύ    🌀    🌲    πŸ™‚

Great day for the clothes to be out drying on the line.

Stayed in the house this morning doing house stuff.
But after lunch I was outside.
Did some cleaning up around outside.
Got the leaves away from the house and dumped in the woods.
Then cut all the old daisies and cone flowers beds from last year cleaned out.
Tidied up the few flower pots I have around and got them
ready for this years flowers.
Can't plant here before Memorial Day because we can still get
some freezing weather.

Swept out the garage and thought about washing the Jeep
but by then I'd run out of zip.
So I sat out on the front porch and knitted.

Watched the neighbor cows in the pasture across the street.
I counted 5 very little ones.
They are fun to watch, they run around and then all of sudden
lay down and take a nap.

Watched lots of Robins about getting nesting material and a woodpecker
circling up a tree.

Sure was nice being able to sit out on the front porch.

Thanks for visiting.
Happy Wednesday

He who is not contented with what he has, 
would not be contented with what he would like to have.
- Socrates -

Comment Replies:
Ann - I've been working on the fence since we moved here 4-1/2 years ago. There are 21 acres to clear so I'll NEVER be done.  Each year I have to go around and pick up deadfall from the sections I've already cleared before I can start on a new section.
I like it because it is a project that I can do all on my own.

Vee - Is the elephant you see in the third fence picture on the right?  A rock behind the fence?🐘


Michelle said...

Walking in the morning is the best, I think. Calvin and I have been out and about in the a.m. Sad to see all of those trees coming down.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. That tree lined driveway looks beautiful. Do you know where the driveway goes? I have to wonder why the trees are being taken down. They must have been there for a long time. I love your quote by Socrates at the end. See you again tomorrow.

Tom said...

...that drive is lined with Norway Spruce. Our recent winds have blown over a number of them.

Rose said...

I love a tree lined driveway...or a road either, for that matter.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I wonder why they are cutting down those beautiful trees. Wish I could plop down and go to sleep as quickly as those calves can do!

William Kendall said...

That first shot speaks to me.

Nellie said...

You have had a very full day! We had a workman here today replacing the shingles that had blown off in last weekend’s strong wind. Just in time for more rain and wind to arrive overnight.

Granny Marigold said...

Isn't it wonderful to have the sun coming up before 7 now??
Sad about the trees coming down. That 'befpre' picture is so charming. Not much charm left after the trees are gone.

Ann said...

Oh my, that was beautiful with the trees on both sides of that driveway. What a shame to cut them down.

Hootin Anni said...

4 1/2years and counting!! That natural fence is a grand idea!!
With the winters you get, I bet that tree lined drive was pretty with snow clinging to the bare branches

eileeninmd said...

I like walking in the morning too. It is sad they are cutting down those trees, the before photo looked beautiful. We usually wait till May to plant our annuals. Great photo of the Drane House. Have a wonderful day!

Aritha V. said...

Thank you so much for sharing your delightful day with us. It's a wonderful reminder to appreciate the little things in life. It's unfortunate to hear about the trees being cut down, but it's good that you're remaining optimistic and hoping that a few trees will remain. Nature has a way of renewing and regenerating, and it's possible that new growth will take the place of the old. Can it be the firtrees were ill?

Even those few passing words and smiles can brighten up one's day. And I totally understand why runners don't like to stop and chat - when you're in the zone, it's hard to break that momentum!

Vee said...

Oh so it's a rock! Bummer! ☺️

Jeanette said...

Shame they have to cut down those trees. I hope there will be some left standing, too!

Bill said...

I wonder what the reason is in cutting all the trees down. Very sad!

Debi said...

Such a nice walk today. It's too bad about all those trees coming down. I wonder if they were diseased. Nice photo of the Drane house. I always enjoy seeing it.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I'm sure the people have their reasons for cutting those trees down, but I always hate to see mature trees cut down. That tree lined lane looks so beautiful .

Lowcarb team member said...

So sad to see the trees cut down.

On a positive note it must be lovely to sit out on your front porch...

All the best Jan

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I'm an animal lover and a tree hugger and it hurts my heart to see perfectly good trees being cut down. It's a shame.

That first photo of the house is ART! It's beautiful.

ellen b. said...

Wow! 62 degrees, that's amazing. Must have been nice walking in that weather. That was a beautiful tree lined driveway for sure.