Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Winter Weather

 More winter weather and not good for town walking
so another day of walking laps inside.

We went food shopping.
This week it was at Casselmans Market.
Snapped this picture leaving the house down our road.

Got the rest of the major house cleaning done for this week.

Haven't made any Chocolate Chippers lately so made some today.
Always like to keep some on hand in the freezer.
We'll have a few this evening for our snack and give
ice cream a break.

Ken told me to take a break and made me a cup of blueberry tea
in my nice china tea cup.
Royal Albert Memory Lane

It has continued to snow throughout the day and the wind is back.
We got about 8 inches and the temperature is down to 18 degrees.
Hopefully it will warm up and this snow won't last.

Made a new recipe for supper this evening.
Got the recipe from the back of the pasta box.
Mostaccioli Con Brio 

We both thought it was delicious.

Thanks for stopping by.
Happy snowy Tuesday


Tom said...

...we enjoyed a happy snowy Tuesday too!

Michelle said...

Wow, you are really getting some snow. Just very cold here and I am so ready for warmer temps.

William Kendall said...

Dinner looks good! More snow here today too.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

So you have finally got some "winter." That is very cold. Even with our freak snow we only got down to 32 degrees. Yes, that recipe sounds very good. I'm making Swedish meatballs tonight for dinner.

Nellie said...

That looks like a lot of snow to me! We wouldn’t be going anywhere with the road covered like that. In fact, many places would probably be closed around here. I love your teacup and saucer! Great looking dinner, too!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The mostaccioli recipe looks so good, and healthy as well. The rroads do look not very safe to walk on!

Mari said...

Oh that snow! I hope it melts soon.
Your tea cup is beautiful.

Deb J. in Utah said...

It's rainy here in the valley and the mountains are getting more snow. This winter won't quit. That new dish you made looks delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe on the food blog. I hope your weather warms and becomes spring-like soon.

Visits With Mary said...

Goodness it's cold where you live. Here in Texas we've already had some days in the 80's. We're getting a little break this week, cooler days and nights and I'm loving it. I love the cooler weather but I don't know about 18*, WoW. When I was still cooking I was always trying new recipes, I enjoyed it, most of the time Mr D and I liked what I made. I'm on oxygen now and can't get close to an open flame so my cooking days are over, except for the occasional crockpot meal.

Granny Marigold said...

So you got yet another blast of winter weather. Hopefully it won't stay long. The pasta dish looks so good. Sadly my DH is not a tomato sauce fan or I'd make it. Memory Lane is such a pretty china pattern. Tea tastes better in a pretty cup.

ellen b. said...

You definitely got the winter weather. Glad you can still get out safely to shop, etc. That meal looks delicious. Sweet china. My china pattern is a Royal Albert, Moss Rose. We had real good weather today for my birthday outing!

Ann said...

Yesterday was very snowy and windy here. We didn't get as much snow as you though.
Your dinner looks delicious.
How sweet of Ken to make you tea

Victor S E Moubarak said...

You certainly have a fair share of snow. Looks nice though.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

The photos are pretty, lovely snowy landscapes. We had a little bit of snow, it was gone before noon. Your dinner looks delicious! Take care, have a great day!

Aritha V. said...

Oooh... now it is winter again. I love the photos but...

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You sure are getting a winter blast. Hope it improves soon so that you can get outside for your walks. Fun to cook and bake when it's cold outside!

Bill said...

Looks like spring is delayed for a bit. I love blueberry tea.

Hootin Anni said...

Looks like a good day for a steaming bowl of chili! Then, top it off with a warm piece of apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Comfort food on a cold wintry evening.

Vee said...

Yes, snow all day yesterday and all night. The howling wind kept me awake a lot. Glad that you got caught up on so much house cleaning. I need to do that as well.

March doesn't look too promising for us. Hope that April is better 🙏🏼

Lowcarb team member said...

That certainly looks a lot of snow to me.
Stay warm and safe.

All the best Jan

Jeanette said...

That pasta dish looks and sounds delicious! Hope you got your walk outside today!