Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, March 08, 2023


Took this picture of the morning moon from the end of
my driveway as I left for town for my walk.

20 degrees this morning, calm, and sunny.
Sunrise 6:38
Walking Steps 12,905

Walked around both cemeteries and the ball park.
Up and down the main street in town and the side streets.
Then around the lower cemetery once again.

Didn't see anyone else out again.
It's been quite a few days that I haven't seen Phil the Wiggle Man
nor his car parked at the dealership.
Very unusual. 

My don't I have long legs!!

My shadow reflection when I stopped to look at the pond.

A beautiful blue sky which made me forget that it was only 20 degrees!

πŸŒ•    ☀️    πŸ₯Ύ    πŸ™‚

Did my usual morning chores around the house.

The afternoon found me reading and I read until I finished the
book I started yesterday.
It was a page turner for me and I loved it.
I give it 5 stars.
The Children's Blizzard 
by Melanie Benjamin

Did a little knitting too before supper.

Thanks for popping in.
Happy Wednesday


Tom said...

...you sure are TALL!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Wow, that book sounds interesting. I think I may have read another book about that blizzard. History can be so fascinating. I enjoy hearing about the books you are reading. Another good day for you! See you tomorrow!

Michelle said...

You do have some long legs! lol

Mari said...

The shadow books are so cool!
I think that book sounds very interesting.
I hope the wiggle man shows up soon.

Haddock said...

That cover of Blizzard reminded me of one of Enid Blyton's books.

Vee said...

The sky is so blue! Surely, you'll solve the mystery of Wiggleman. I'm voting that he's on a Caribbean vacation.
I have read about that blizzard...very moving story, disturbing, too.
You have long legs because you walk so much! 😁

Agnes CF Lee said...

very clear blue sky out there..the land surrounding your house is so wide...nice.

Hootin Anni said...

Book sounds very good!!

Ann said...

That book does sound like a good one.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Is that the moon, or was someone playing golf?

God bless.

Bill said...

The book does sound good.

William Kendall said...

Good shadow shots!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Looks like a good book. Your first beautiful photo reminds me of that very old song by Kate Smith "When The Moon Comes Over The Mountain".

ellen b. said...

Fun stick shadows of you! That book looks like you'd need to know the ending. Sounds heart wrenching.

Jeanette said...

That book does look really good!