Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, March 25, 2023

An afternoon walk

 This morning when I woke up it was 35 degrees,  
raining, foggy, and windy.
Sunrise 7:12
Figured I'd get soaked walking so didn't walk this morning.
It was supposed to warm up and stop raining later so I waited
and went for my walk after lunch.

This morning I did my everyday house chores and then finished
reading The Madness of Crowds by Louise Penny.
Wanted to finish it so I could drop it off at the library when
I went walking later which I did.
Also dropped off a DVD.
An old show called Simon and Simon - only watched a couple
episodes, just too corny!!!

Didn't look at my step count before I started walking so didn't
get the step count but did walk 5.6 miles.
The temperature was 43 degrees and windy.
My walk started out foggy and then finally the sun came out.

Walked around town, the ball park and both cemeteries.
Though it was nice to get out and walk, it is just not the
same as walking in the morning watching a new day begin.

 I followed a couple of geese up the road to the cemetery.
They went in the field as I passed by.

Never a lot a cars about town but a Saturday afternoon there
are even fewer with no one going to work or school.

Didn't see anyone else out walking.

Took this picture when I started out.

And this is from the same spot at the end of my walk.

We ran out of ice cream a couple of days ago and still haven't gotten any.
 (nothing on sale)
We've been eating cookies for our evening snack and today I made
chocolate pudding for later.
That's good too, not as good as ice cream but I'll put some whipped
cream on it and it will do just fine.

Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Saturday

Contentment is just the realization that God has already provided for me today 
all that I need for my present peace and happiness.
- Nancy Leigh Demoss -


ellen b. said...

The view sure looked more cheery at the end of your walk. Nice alternative to ice cream. Hope it goes on sale soon.

William Kendall said...

That goose walking shot made me smile.

Latane Barton said...

Look the mysterious fog settling over everything.

Tom said...

...I love the view of the red barn!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Chocolate pudding sounds really good for a snack. I love that quote at the end. Hope you have a good Sunday. See you then!

Vee said...

Oh I really like the red barn and blue sky. Chocolate pudding sounds delish to me.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the last quote! And your last shot is gorgeous!! I also really got a chuckle from the goose walking up the path.

Ann said...

What a difference from the beginning and end of your walk. Those blue skies are beautiful.

Hootin Anni said...

I really like the geese!
And what a weather transition!!

eileeninmd said...

Love the photos, great series. The geese are cute.
Happy Sunday, have a wonderful week!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Was that a wild goose chase? What is a wild goose chase anyway?

Every time I chased a goose it was civilised and said, "By Jove old boy ... it is a wonderful morning for a brisk walk, I should say ... what?"

God bless.

Jeanette said...

I see geese a lot on my walks and it always strikes me as funny when they walk ahead of me, like they want me to follow them!

Bill said...

Nice to see that the goose prefers a nice walk too. I rather have pudding than an ice cream, the weather here isn't quite ice cream ready. :)

Inger said...

I love that you met up with some geese.

Visits With Mary said...

I love the quote from Nancy DeMoss. I can't think of her married name right now. You sure live in pretty country, quiet and peaceful looking. What fun to walk a while with the geese, looks like they're leading the way.

Mari said...

I Like that goose shot! The before and after shot is cool too. Nice to see the sun shining!

Granny Marigold said...

Great idea to take pictures before and after you set out on your walk. It looks like it cleared up nicely. I made chocolate pudding too today ( Sunday) when we were playing Dominoes. DH brought home some salted caramel ice cream which no one really likes. Well, I haven't offered it to my grandson yet. I think he'll want it.