Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Thank You from Kinsley

27 degrees again this morning and cloudy.
Sunrise 7:37
Walk Steps 12,983

All the icy places are gone and all is dry so I could walk anywhere I wanted.
That's the library on the right.

Walked all around town, up and down all the side streets.
Made a couple laps around the ball park loop and both cemeteries.

The man I see once in a while was running around the ball park loop.  
I often wonder why he only runs there. 
Seems it would be so boring running around that same 1/4 mile 10 times!!

No fox today but did see a couple rabbits.

At the end of my walk when I got back to the Jeep there was an envelope on the it.
It was a Thank You note from Kinsley, who I knitted the slippers for.  
It touched my heart.  😊

☁️    🥾    😊  

Ken went to the Shop and Save on his own this morning.
Wanted to get to my chores first thing.
I put everything away once he got home which I enjoy doing.

An afternoon of knitting, reading, and working on the puzzle.
This puzzle is a bit of a challenge but not too much that it isn't enjoyable.

Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Tuesday
12893 walk
15635 day

  In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer -


William Kendall said...

Looks like a big puzzle.

Tom said...

...the picture of the barn and snowy filed with the corn stubble is lovely. That puzzle would be too frustrating for me.

Granny Marigold said...

It's always nice to be appreciated. Kinsley's little card is sweet.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

You'll have to get a photo of Mr. Wiggles. I have a distinct picture of him in my head - I'm thinking he is a very tall and very thin man - wears a sweater and a bow tie. Am I close?

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I like your puzzle. You and Ken so the big, complicated puzzles so quickly! That was so sweet of you to knit slippers for Kinsley. You are always thinking of others and doing nice things. <3 See you again tomorrow.

Deb J. in Utah said...

* do the big, complicated puzzles so quickly!

Mari said...

That photo of the barn in the snow is so pretty!
Kinsleys card is so sweet.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer is a good one to quote.

ellen b. said...

Ahh, sweet note from Kinsley. Also sweet of you to knit them for her. That does look like a tough puzzle. I'll have to wait to pull out our next puzzle. We have a family trip starting this Friday. I forgot to mention yesterday that I love your smiley faces you left in the snow! Glad the icy places are gone!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Phil has read Bonhoeffer! The puzzle is coming along, and so is the weather!

Hill Top Post said...

Kinsley's thank you note touches my heart too. Your second picture today is wonderful.

Ann said...

That's a sweet thank you from Kinsley. It's always nice to see children sending thank you notes.
Love the picture of the snowy field with the barn in the background.

eileeninmd said...

The snowy barn scene is pretty, great photo. I like a challenging puzzle.
The thank you card from Kinsley is sweet. Take care, enjoy your day!

Hootin Anni said...

To think she got out early to place your thank you card would certainly fill my day with joy!!!

Debbie said...

I agree that walking around the ballpark would be boring! I would much rather have all the sights you have and it would make the time go by faster. And what a sweet note! That makes the effort so worth it.

I just finished my puzzle last night. I was kind of sad to be done, but now it's on to another project and then I will circle back to puzzles in a few months.

Michelle said...

That is quite a puzzle! I lose focus quickly with them, lol.

Bill said...

Kingsley's thank you not was very nice. Another puzzle, I'm not very patient so I just don't do them. :)

Visits With Mary said...

It's so great that you have such a great place to walk. I love jigsaw puzzles too, spent most of 2022 working puzzles.

Jennifer said...

That puzzle looks like it is going to a good one! How sweet to get that note - a perfect way to bring a smile to the day!! The snow looks so pretty:) Hope you are having a blessed week!