Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, January 11, 2023


26 degrees and calm with mostly clouds but a peek of the sun too.
Sunrise 7:37
Walk Steps 12784

All the snow is gone but there was a heavy frost which made it look like it snowed.


My usual walk through town, up and down all the side streets, both cemeteries and the ball park loop.

Haven't seen any of the regular walkers for a while now and starting to miss everyone.

Kitcat came over for his morning pet and saw a couple of rabbits again over by the cemetery.

Don't think I posted a finished picture of the two sheds that were falling down and got fixed up. 

A picture when they started working on them.

My finger got cold writing todays message on the mirror because had to melt the ice as I slowly wrote each letter.

⛅️    🥾    🙂    🐈

Debby asked what the Wiggle Man looks like and thought some others might be interested too.  Here's a FB LINK where you can see him.

I made a new recipe for Cinnamon Biscuits this afternoon.
They didn't come out looking so good and I was thinking I wouldn't make them again until Ken got a taste of one and thought they were delicious.  
So I'll be making them again.
Hopefully they will turn out looking nicer with some practice.

That's it for today.
Thanks for visiting.
Happy Wednesday
12,784 walk
15,590 day


Lowcarb team member said...

That's a nice message on the mirror.

All the best Jan

PS Many thanks for letting me know (on the low carb diabetic blog) about the 'missing' comment :)

Tom said...

..they did a fabulous rebuilding the sheds. We had a guy that danced around and did ads like that. The biscuits look mighty good to me.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Oh how funny - I got to see the Wiggle Man. He sure doesn't look anything like I pictured but he looks like a really fun and nice guy. Thanks for that.

The buns look good to me. Sometimes practice makes perfect. Like my Chinese beef broccoli - I think I know where I went wrong. Not enough ginger and too much of something else. It looked way better than it tasted - the opposite of your cinnamon buns.

Gee I think tasting better than it looks is best although, "they" say we eat with our eyes.

Visits With Mary said...

A Wiggle Deal from the Wiggle Man, made me laugh! Great message on the mirror, the mirror was cold but your heart was obviously warm.

Sandi said...

They look delicious!

William Kendall said...

The cinnamon treats would agree with me.

ellen b. said...

Those biscuits look delicious! My mouth is watering. Fun sign you left even if you had to freeze your fingers leaving it. :)

Hill Top Post said...

Wow what a frost! I would love to sample one of your delicious looking rolls! It’s good to have the critters come to say hello.

Ginny Hartzler said...

the cinnamon rollsdon't look all that bad. Plus if they were perfect looking, you would think they were not homemade! I think it is the little imperfections that make food look homemade. Like lumps in mashed potatoes. What fun seeing the wiggle Man! He must drink a lot of coffee!

Deb J. in Utah said...

The cinnamon biscuits look so good. I hope the recipe is on your recipe blog. I love your positive message on the mirror. See you again soon!

Ann said...

They did a good job on rebuilding those sheds.
Cinnamon biscuits sound delicious and they don't need to look pretty to taste good :)
Some how I pictures the wiggle man as extra tall and super skinny

Hootin Anni said...

I think those biscuits look delicious!!! Warm, from the oven, yes indeed!!!!
Off to see wiggleman

Debbie said...

The biscuits look so delicious!! And that first picture would win a photo contest!

So I checked out The Wiggle Man and thank you for putting a face to the name!
Now when you mention him, I'm going to picture him jumping up and down,
saying hello Karen! :)

eileeninmd said...

Your cinnamon biscuits look yummy! The first image looks pretty, it looks almost lavender in color. You left a nice message on the mirror. Take care, enjoy your day!

Donna said...

Love the ice writing and the biscuits!
New here...enjoy your day!

Bill said...

They did a nice job with the sheds. Cool message!

Happy@Home said...

Phil looks like a guy who enjoys his job. That's always nice to see.
I think your cinnamon biscuits look yummy. Are they made from scratch and, if so, would you share the recipe?

Granny Marigold said...

The two sheds look SO much better. Hard to believe they were falling apart before.
The cinnamon biscuits look delicious. I'll go look if the recipe is on your other blog.
Happy Friday!!

The Happy Whisk said...

That frost really does make the ground look like snow. Wow, wow. You have excellent letters. They are so neat and easy to read. Hahaha on the cinnamon rolls and now you making them again. Yes! I get that with Hubby. I love making him stuff that he enjoys.

Jennifer said...

Such a beautiful morning!! And those biscuits look delicious:)

Rose said...

They look so delicious to me! (the cinnamon rolls, that is)