Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Sunday, January 01, 2023


 Happy Sunday

This year the Bible verses we will be memorizing each month as a church will be about revival.

Psalm 85:6 is the first one of the year.
Wilt though not revive us again:
that thy people may rejoice in thee?

Ken got me a brand new KJV Bible for Christmas. My old one was falling apart.
My new Bible is large print and very easy to read. Only bad thing about getting a new Bible is that I have lots of notes to copy from the old one to the new one.

A blessed Sunday to all.
Jesus Loves You❤️



Latane Barton said...

I'm wishing many blessings for you for the new year.

Vee said...

Revival...we need it. Your new Bible sounds like a blessing...the large print sounds especially helpful.

Tom said...

...I wish you many beautiful skies to enjoy in 2023.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I think it's great that you got a new Bible. I am trying to figure out which version I am going to read this year for our church New Testament study. I have read the KJV many times and I have been reading The Amplified Bible and I will (Hopefully) finish the Old Testament in that Bible this coming year. I annotate and make notes in my Bible as well. Our church will be studying the New Testament this year so I want to start that new as well and I have several different translations and editions so I am trying to decide which one I will read. I hope you have a wonderful new year with many blessings! Happy 2023 to you and Ken!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful sky capture! Have a great new week!

Lowcarb team member said...

Happy Sunday and Happy New Year.
Lovely sky photograph.

All the best Jan

Debi said...

Beautiful sky photo. Happy New Year!

Brenda said...

Happy New Year. I enjoy your blog. I surpassed my walking miles this past year again...every step painful but we must move. Keep walking and writing.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

It’s always sad when our Bibles wear out. I had one for over 30 years and it was getting raggedy and I hated to replace it. The print was also too small. Finally I did but I miss my old Bible. I still have it. Some of the paper thin pages have torn… just an old friend that got me through many a trial.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Happy New Year! I love a bible with the finger tabs. Love your photo of the beautiful sky with the spire in the corner!

Hootin Anni said...

My mother's Bible is my treasured keepsake!!

Ann said...

Happy New Year. What a great gift.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Thank you for the Bible verse. God bless you this New Year and always.

Debbie said...

Happy New Year Karen!
A new Bible is always fresh and nice, but yes...so many notes in my current one. I've only had two Bibles in 34 years and they are both full of notes. I guess each one can still be referred back to and new thoughts and notes can be written for a new season of life.

ellen b. said...

I do like a Bible with larger print these days. It's good you don't have to rush to get all those notes transferred! Happy New Year!

Bill said...

Beautiful sky! HNY

William Kendall said...

A lovely sky.