Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, December 29, 2022

Walking in Town

40 degrees this morning when I left for town. 
Calm and once the sun rose it was sunny with a few clouds here and there.
Sunrise 7:38
Walked 6 miles
Saw three deer on my way to town and 2 on my way home.

So nice to be able to walk around town once again, it's been a while.
Some places I couldn't walk because of the ice.
The main road through town.

Walked up to the cemetery on the hill but not around it.

There were many places that I could walk though.

Made it down to the bulls to see how they were doing.
Looks like all new ones and they look young.
Others must have been sold.

I walked down the road towards home and then back to town.

Some of the side roads were good and I walked up and down them.
Barn Sale road was clear to so went up and down there.

Karen, who I met walking one day had her truck parked on the side 
and she had just put some food out for a feral cat. (She named the cat Eleanor).
She is trying to get her to trust her so she can take Eleanor to the vet
to get her neutered.  Karen has adopted two of her kittens.

🌤    🥾    😃

Oh no I went over to the jigsaw puzzle out on the table.
Should have kept going because I put a few pieces in and then
ended up staying till the whole puzzle was finished.
(about 1 1/2 hours)

David and Liz gave us the puzzle for Christmas.
If it looks a little familiar we have another one of an ice cream
truck but it is different.

Temperature went up to 50 degrees today and I spent a couple of
hours outside.  The ice on the driveway was easier to chop up so
I got the driveway mostly cleared. Won't have to slide down it in the morning.
Then I cleared the back deck of all the ice and snow.
There was a couple of inches of snow with an ice of ice underneath the snow.
It was fun taking it off because huge big chunks would just slide off.
Tried to see how big I could get the pieces.

Forgot to mention yesterday that LOTS of branches and a couple
of small trees came down with all that wind we had.
Once the snow is gone I should have a whole lot of deadfall
to put on my fences.

Well that's going to be it for today.
Hope your Thursday was a happy one.
Thanks for stopping by.


Hootin Anni said...

Good seeing the cattle again!
Sounds like a perfect morning for walking.

William Kendall said...

Pretty winter views!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The first photo looks like lovely yellow trees at the end of the road. I am so glad you showed the puzzle! I love this one,and it looks like one we may be able to work. But the 1,000 pieces are just too hard.

Tom said...

...it was almost spring like here today. Take care and watch out for the ice.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Nice seeing you out and about on your walks. The bulls are cute.

Connie said...

Nice puzzle, it looks like a lot of fun. My sister-in-law gave me a Thomas Kinkade puzzle of a nativity. I think I put it out in January or February and when I get it none frame it to hang each Christmas. I like decorating with nativities.
It is very icy around here, I have to be so careful each time I go out. I know you pay attention and watch your step, but do be careful, falls happen so quickly.

Hill Top Post said...

Surely I must be dreaming but it almost looks like the light is already changing. Your pictures are wonderful today.

Granny Marigold said...

Isn't it great to be able to walk outside again? It was the first time this week for us as well and although there were many icy spots we managed to avoid them. Often we walked on the grass rather than on the asphalt path ( where the icy spots were). Other years park workers have spread sand but this year obviously they haven't.
That's quite a challenging looking puzzle. Funny how you meant to just put in a piece or two and ended up working at it for such a long time.

Ann said...

Nice to be able to get outside again for your walk. It got pretty warm here yesterday and now almost all the snow is gone. Glad to hear you won't have to slide down the driveway

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Nice winter scenery. Still looks very cold.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

Love the photos, especially the cows. We have not had any snow here yet, just some freezing rain last week. The puzzle is cute, I remember those ice creams from my younger days. Take care, have a great New Year's weekend.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I love the puzzle that David and Liz gave you. I'm like you, if I start to work on a puzzle - I don't want to quit! More snow is expected here today - and then off and on until Tuesday. We are sure getting a good snowpack in the mountains so far this year. I hope you have a good Friday. See you again soon!

Vee said...

So good that you could walk in town again. That puzzle is just the sort I like...lots of colors and contrasts. The new bulls are a good looking bunch. It will be interesting to see how fast they grow.

Inger said...

Your town looks so lovely and your puzzle is large to my mind. No way could I finish it that fast. I don't think I'll ever do one larger than the 300 ones I have a few of. I started a new one yesterday, look for it to be completed several weeks from now. I will post its picture on my blog and feel very accomplished.

Bill said...

Your winter photos are very pretty. Nice seeing the bulls again.

ellen b. said...

Wow! Up to 50, that's something. Glad you could rid spaces of the ice. Nice for you to be able to walk to town again, too. We had another inch of snow fall in the last 12 hours. We are going to be white for a while!

Debi said...

I bet it felt good to be walking outside again! Happy weekend and Happy New Year!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

warmer and rain here for us this weekend. even remnants of our snow will be gone.

Happy New Year