Finally got to walk in town this morning.
It was 19 degrees and sunny.
I waited till it was light out so I could see where the ice was.
Pretty good for walking.
Sunrise 7:34
Walked 6 miles
Found a penny
Couldn't walk along the main road and sidewalks because of ice
but did find clear places to walk.
Did a lot of turning around and backtracking when I ran into ice.
Stopped in at the car dealer in town and gave Phil the Wiggleman a
Christmas card and one of the little pumpkin breads.
He was very thankful.
Walked up Barn Sale Rd a ways and back.
Work was going on at the bank drive thru now enclosed in plastic.
I could hear saws and hammering.
Guess it is to keep them a little warmer or maybe so they can work
if it snows.
Just looked a bit strange to me.
Didn't see anyone else out walking.
I took a picture today showing where I was standing when I took
the picture from yesterday looking down to town.
🌤 🥾 😊
🎄 🎄
David and Liz's driveway is a winding hilly one and now is pretty
icy from going up and down it.
Ken went out on the tractor which has chains on the back tires
and broke up the ice on their driveway.
David could have done it but they were both working so
Ken said he'd do it.
I got some work done inside the house.
After lunch I just puttered about doing this and that.
Thanks for visiting.
Happy Wednesday
The magic of Christmas never ends
and its greatest gifts are family and friends.
You can never truly enjoy Christmas
until you can look up into the Father's face
and tell him you have received his Christmas gift.
- John R. Rice -
A nice walk. 🙂
That's a big hill! LOVE the poem!
...I love the long shadows in the first image. Be care on the ice.
Nice poem and you had a long beautiful walk to get that view.
I just don't think I could go out and walk when it's so cold and are amazing and I sure admire many ways. Hope you and Ken have a wonderful Christmas.
When it's that cold I wear my big L.L. Bean coat; looks like it may get its first use this year the next couple of days. Your pictures gives a good idea about the lay of the land. I am assuming when you walk from home you have to go up and down that hill.
Glad you got back into town..
Can imagine that road. It's great that Ken can get rid of the ice.
Your days sound so nice. Keep warm.
Hi Karen. I like the picture that you showed where you were yesterday. I am glad that Ken has the equipment to get rid of the ice. Have David and Liz enlarged the original cabin? As I remember, it wasn't huge when you were building it, but I may be mistaken. I hope you have a good Thursday. See you then!
Glad you were able to find places to walk where you could avoid the ice.
A penny found is better than a penny lost.
God bless.
You did good avoiding ice!
Pretty scenes and views from your walk. I like the shot of the cattle on the field. I am glad you were able to avoid the ice. Have a happy day!
Nice that you found ways to walk avoiding any ice.
I'm sure anyone lucky enough to receive one of your little pumpkin loaves will appreciate the gift ( and especially, the thought).
Good that you found ways to walk avoiding any ice.
I always take extra care if there is any ice around.
All the best Jan
That was quite a hike now that you show the view of your mountain from town! Grocery store parking lots are treacherous here right now, so icy with chunky ice. That was nice of Ken to break up the ice on the driveway. It's great to have good equipment.
Maybe they have something inside that plastic putting out some heat. It would be miserable to be working at that temp.
That's some high ground.
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