Very windy, snowing, with temperatures plummeting from 20 degrees
in the morning to 0 lunch time and as I type this it is -9.
Sunrise 7:35
Back down in the basement today for walking.
Half in the morning and half in the afternoon.
Today I went through all my recipes and did the same with
them that I did with the knitting patterns yesterday.
Did a lot of reading this afternoon and made a few weave-it squares.
Looked out of the window quite often to watch the trees dancing around.
I made Spicy Chicken sandwiches for supper.
This picture is of me when I was a little girl.
We were living with my Grandma at the time.
Back then my parents put up the Christmas tree Christmas Eve.
I had just came down the stairs Christmas morning, turned the corner
and saw the tree.
My Grandma had some pretty flashy wallpaper!!
Thats it for today.
Thanks for visiting.
Happy Friday
Christmas is God's reminder that we are not alone.
At this Christmas season you can be assured that Jesus Christ is here.
He is here to give us hope,
to forgive our sins,
to give us a new song,
to impart faith,
and to heal our spiritual wounds if only we will let Him.
- Billy Graham -
Comment Replies:
Debby - We have a full basement. I walk around Ken's Train Layout. Each lap I take is about 70 steps. It is not that the basement is big so that I can walk around it but that I lap it many times. I have never figured out how many times and I don't think I really want to know. 😊
I like the flashy wallpaper!
...thanks for another picture of Ken's train layout. Today was no day to be out. Take care and stay warm and well.
What a nice old photo. Stay warm!
That's quite a memory!
Hi Karen. I love that quote from Billy Graham. That is a darling picture of you on Christmas. What a great memory, and the wall paper is awesome too! Old pictures can be a lot of fun. I hope you have a wonderful, warm and cozy Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas to you and Ken!
Sweet memories!! Happy holidays Karen.
Thank you for your friendship and support. Merry Christmas and God bless always.
Cute photo of you, a happy memory. I enjoy seeing Ken's train layout.
Take care, stay warm! Merry Christmas to you and your family. I wish you all the best in 2023.
Loving the pictures of the train layout.
Sweet picture of you on Christmas morning.
Your weather sounds pretty close to what we have here right now.
Definitely a bad day to be walking outside! Love the picture of you on Christmas morning. Seems like a lot of work to me to wait until kids go to sleep to put up the Christmas tree. But things were a lot simpler back then. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Karen, wouldn't it be fun to see an old photo of everyone at Christmas? I might pull one out and share it too. And I was wondering if you count your steps on your regular walks in the morning? You may have it somewhere on your blog and I've missed it. I wear a Fitbit every day, just to remind me to stay active. I can't imagine how many steps you do!
What a cute photo of you. The wallpaper is trendy again now. Here in the Netherlands. Is it possible to keep the cold outside? Will you be able to go to church tomorrow if it snows? Love from my house to yours
Love your photo. I too used to put up the tree on Christmas Eve. Quite often I would find a cheap tree if I waited until then or I would hide the tree in the garden and it was easier to decorate the tree without 3 small children under my feet. Plus it added to the magic of Christmas Day. When I was teaching I'd bring home the tree that had been up in the school hall, falling needles everywhere! Stay warm.
That is the sweetest photo of you, Karen. That wallpaper is something else!!
Hope your celebrations are merry and bright!
Oh I love that cute photo of you! Thanks for clarifying about your basement walks. Most Californians do not have basements - not exactly earthquake friendly. Others get around that by building plush state of the art wine cellars! So dumb!
Sounds like a blustery day. Stay warm and Merry Christmas to you and your husband. God Bless.
What a lovely photo of you! Best wishes for a HAPPY CHRISTMAS!
Love, Titti
That is a fabulous photo. Your delight is wonderful to see. I like your grandmother's flashy wallpaper. Does it compare to my grandmother's? ☺️
A peaceful, calm Christmas Eve to you and yours.
That is a nice old photograph you've shared.
Wishing you and yours a Happy Christmas.
All the best Jan
Oh, I like that picture of you when you were little. Sweet.
You were so cute! I loved the step back in time!
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