Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, September 01, 2022

No Pictures

 55 degrees this morning and sunny when I went walking.
Walked 5.3 miles
Sunrise 6:46

Walked through town and behind our old house in town.
Then back through town and down the main road toward home
before turning around again.
A few times around the cemetery on the hill
and that ended my walk.

Saw Rebecca walking her dog and later on again
when she was running.
John and his dog Prim were walking too.

At the bank the black top was being put down by the drive thru.

Concrete was being poured in the big cattle barn 
at Farmer Marvin's farm.
I saw three concrete trucks turn in his road.

Nice walking this morning but wasn't able to take any pictures.

Yesterday when I took that little spill in the pond my phone
was in my back pocket. Water and cell phones don't go well together,
so my phone is no more.

Went to the Cellular phone store to get a new phone.
They could NOT save anything off the old phone
and of course this new phone is completely different than the old one
and I am having a very hard time trying to use this new thing.
I'm sure it will all become clear eventually but it is so frustrating.

The phone store is by Walmart so we popped in there to get
some things.

We also stopped at church and got things set up for Fingerprints
which we will be working on tomorrow.

It was another beautiful sunny cool summer day.
Sat on the porch trying to forget about the new phone. πŸ™‚

That's it for today.
Happy September FirstπŸ™‚
Thanks for stopping by.

Technology offers us a unique opportunity, 
though rarely welcome, 
to practice patience.
- Allan Lokos -


Tom said...

...I need to get a new phone to replace my old 3G flip phone, I'm not looking forward to it.

Hootin Anni said...

A cellphone can be a technology nightmare!!! (Got any 3year-olds nearby to help you out? Just kidding).

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. So sorry your spill into the pond ruined your phone, but it is good that you could quickly get a new one. New phones can be frustrating. It always seems to take some time to get used to a new phone. I know you will eventually figure it out. I hope you have a good evening and a good Friday. See you again soon!

The Furry Gnome said...

I got a new phone and switched from an iphone to a samsung. I'll be trying to firgure some things out for months!

Vee said...

Technology indeed does offer us many opportunities to practice lots of things. I am really sorry that your phone is kaput. I am in the process of trying to figure out how to upload my phone photos directly to my exterior hard drive. There has to be a way! Anyway, here's to learning the new gizmo without too much frustration.

Debby said...

I can imagine how frustrated you are. I got a new phone last month. It wasn’t much of a change for which I am thankful. My phone photos are kept in a cloud. It makes retrieving old photos easier plus I also backup my photos on google as well.

Mari said...

Happy September!
I'm sorry about your phone. I just got a new one because mine was old and having issues. I'm having a hard time getting adjusted to it too.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Whenever I have to get a new phone, it is a real struggle to learn how to work it. It is so frustrating. One thing you can do is go on the computer and look at the instruction manuel for your model.

ellen b. said...

Oh bummer. So sorry about your phone. Hope things get easier real soon with your new device!

William Kendall said...

I picked up a phone in July. Took awhile to get used to it.

Rose said...

Yes, like Ginny says, computer. If you need to know how to do something, google what what it is with the model phone you have. I use youtube a lot of times for that. That being said, I am sorry you lost your phone. It is hard getting used to new things sometimes.

Linda said...

Sorry about your phone. It was a nice post even without any pictures.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Can nothing be saved from the old phone SIM card?

God bless.

Ann said...

Too bad about your phone. It's always difficult for me when I get a new one. Trying to figure out the latest features and how everything works.

eileeninmd said...

Sorry to hear about your phone, usually the clouds saves everything on the phones now. The weather is feeling better now for walking.
Happy weekend! Take care, have a happy day!

Kerin said...

Sounds like you had a nice day.
Too bad about the phone not being able to be saved, nor any info saved to the new phone.
You'll get the hang of the new phone in no time at all, I'm sure.

Three concrete trucks...that's a good amount of concrete to pour!

Smiles :)

KEV. Robertson. said...

Hi KAREN- I don't own a Mobile Phone - my calls are done on the Land Line. I do however understand how frustrating it can be to get use to a new devise- have a great Weekend there. Regards. KEV.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Your words are word pictures!!!!!

Don't worry about the phone.

You will learn it in good time.

We are all so familiar with your world, that we can seeeeee it, even with no pics.

Oh mercy, I am still trying to learn my Smart phone even though it is a Lively3 for old folks. LOL

"....... autumn! A time of hot chocolatey mornings,
and toasty marshmallow evenings, and, best of all,
leaping into leaves!"
~Winnie the Pooh

Beside a babbling brook... said...

and again, your blog look is a FEAST for my EYES!!!!

"....... autumn! A time of hot chocolatey mornings,
and toasty marshmallow evenings, and, best of all,
leaping into leaves!"
~Winnie the Pooh

Galla Creek said...

Sorry about your phone. I have trouble learning new stuff. Hope you get it figured out.

Lowcarb team member said...

Such a shame about your phone, but I'm sure in time you will get used to your new one.

All the best Jan