Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, July 08, 2022

A little tweak

 60 degrees this morning when I went walking under cloudy skies.

Once again it was my usual walk around town, the cemeteries,
and the ball park.

Didn't see anyone else out walking but there was a lot going on
around town this morning.

Two people getting new siding on their houses.
Another road being scraped and getting ready to get paved.
A trailer of cars were being unloaded at the car dealers.
Lots of people getting yard sales set up because today and tomorrow
is the towns yard sale day.
Lots of Good Mornings to say today. 

We have a round oak table that we can't use anymore and
have been trying to give it away and no one wants it.
Also 5 chairs that we no longer can use.
The church in town is participating in the yard sale and
I asked if they would like the table and chairs for their sale.
They said yes so I called Ken and he started loading up the truck.

I continued my walk and walked my usual 6 miles.
Found a penny

☁️    🥾    💰    🌼

When I got home Ken had already loaded up the truck with the
chairs and a few other things for the sale.
I helped load the table in the truck and back to town I went with him
to the church and unloaded everything.
We had brought a recliner and had just taken it off the truck
when someone in town wanted it.
So it went back on the truck and Ken delivered it to their house.

It was 9:30 when we got home and by then I was pretty hungry
and we finally got to have breakfast.
I had cereal and a delicious peach!
⛏    ⛏    ⛏

I read all your kind comments to Ken about his building the BBQ
and all his stone/rock work.
He thanks you and said it humbles him.
He thanks God for giving him the skill and the rocks to do it.


Got some house chores done this morning and after lunch
went outside for a while.

I made a couple more changes to the swing on the porch
and it is now in its final resting place.
Turned it strait instead of on an angle and found 
a cushion I wasn't using to put on it.

Ken and I sat on the porch and ate watermelon.
It was a good one too - nice and sweet.

I also did some reading on the porch.

Got the dough going in the bread machine for pizza
at 3:30 and sure looked forward to supper because I was
already hungry!!

Thanks for stopping by.
A happy Saturday to you.🤗
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️
🙂Be the reason someone smiles today🙂

Salvation is not a reward for the righteous, it is a gift for the guilty.
- Steve Lawson -


Jeanette said...

I bet the church was happy to get some furniture from you to sell.

Tom said...

...you captured a wonderful spider web!

Latane Barton said...

What a busy, happy day! And, you mentioning the peach... I have a couple in there that is going to spoil if I don't eat them so thanks for reminding me!!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That is some spider web!

Oh, the yard sales sound like fun.

I'm thinking that perhaps I should get a bread machine. My husband is the bread maker, but he keeps forgetting it. I'd like us to make our own bread, pizza dough, etc. So I take it, you like it and use it a lot...so many times people buy these gadgets and never use them. I won't buy an expensive one - just to try it out and then I will see if it is something we really will use.

I like your swing. I wish I lived closer - I would have picked up your table - I have a thing for other people's throwaways.

The peach and the watermelon sound good. My dad, who was born and raised in Eastern Tennessee would always say, when we would go back to visit, that watermelon always tasted better in Tennessee. I rarely find a good watermelon. They pick them too soon. The last good watermelon was when I was in Alabama to visit my brother and his family. Yum.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love your last quote. And you got a great pic of the spider web with a background of growing corn.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I love Ken's humility and giving God the credit for his talents. The yard sales you are having in your town sound like fun. Charly and I love to treasure hunt at thrift stores and yard sales, but the yard sales around here aren't that good. Glad you had such a nice day. The swing looks great where you have moved it. See you again tomorrow.

ellen b. said...

Love that Steve Lawson quote. Hooray that you could get that table and chairs to a yard sale. Hope it sells. Happy weekend to you!

Mari said...

What an amazing spider web! It's so pretty with the corn behind it.
It was nice of you to give your stuff to that church and even deliver the chair. Nice to have it go to a good cause.
The swing looks good!

Ann said...

What a busy day you had. Nice that you found a place to get rid of the table and other things.

Granny Marigold said...

I'd be touring those garage sales and looking for a) pretty tea cups and b) interesting old books.

Ruth Hiebert said...

It feels good to get stuff cleaned up, doesn’t it? I’ve been doing quite a lot of that and it feels good.

Hootin Anni said...

Donating is such a good cause. Then to be 'neighborly' enough to deliver is a good thing!! You know this already...but, Ken is a keeper!!

eileeninmd said...

Pretty sky capture and I love the flowers. Your swing looks like it is in a great spot. Hubby and I love watermelon, especially a sweet one. Take care, have a happy weekend.

Bill said...

Pretty flowers and a nice spider web capture.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Wonderful way to eliminate unused items from your home.

I like the idea of a town wide yard sale day too.

🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓

Dianna said...

Hello Karen! That's so neat how someone wanted the recliner as soon as it was off the truck! And how kind of Ken to load it back up and deliver it for them. Thank you both for being Shining Lights in a dark world.

Love the quote by Steve Lawson. We are going to be doing a Bible study in SS at our church on Philippians that is by Steve Lawson.

Hill Top Post said...

You do capture the best spiders' webs. The one for today is a real beauty.

Henny Penny said...

Those clouds look like melted marshmallows on a sweet potato casserole. :) I love your red swing and like the way you now have it. Karen you must think I am crazy for mentioning the post about how you and Ken met. I could not find it. I must have seen something on another blog. I love hearing how couples met and wanted to go back and read the post. Maybe I am losing it. :)

William Kendall said...

I like that swing bench.