Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, June 13, 2022


65 degrees this morning when I left on my walk.
It was mostly cloudy but did see the sun pop out a few times.
Walked around both cemeteries and the ball park and 
all around town.

Some blooms I passed by.

The town pond isn't looking so great.
The fountain is broken and now the water looks yucky.
But there is a nice reflection of the trees in the water.

The kitty I usually see by the cemetery was over by the pond today.

Didn't see any people out walking.

Walked 6 miles

🌥    🥾    🙂    🌸

Got the sheets washed and hung out on the line 
and then we went out to do a few errands.

To the dump to get rid of our trash. 

Made a stop at church.

Ken had to stop at the phone store and pick out a brand new phone.
He got a letter saying his phone was obsolete and they were
giving him a new phone.
That went pretty smoothly and the woman was
helpful and friendly.
The FREE phone only cost $35!!
(that was for the tax)

The last stop was at Walmart.
We haven't been there in over a year!!
Picked up some things that I couldn't get in the stores we usually go to.
We pulled into a parking space and saw that our Pastor
was in the next space.
In the store we ran into Judy, a woman I know from the
book club I was in.  We also saw her at the phone store.
Though we haven't been to Walmart in such a long time whenever
we do go we usually do run into someone we know.

While out we stopped for lunch at Burger King.

Got things put away when we got home,
put the sheets back on the bed,
and then knitted and read till it was supper time.

The temperature got all the way up 80 degrees today.

That's all I have for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Monday. 🤗
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️


Rose said...

Those reflections are so nice, even if the pond does look sort of stagnant. (Not sure how that is spelled. Our temp was 90 today and the humidity is terrible.

Rose said...

Forgot....you saw some gorgeous flowers!

Pom Pom said...

Hi Karen! I'm glad you have perfect walking weather. It's hot here!

Tom said...

...the white columbine are lovely! There is a park that we like to visit, their pond was horrible until they installed a fountain.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Guess the pond fountain kept the water moving, making it harder for "stuff" to grow.

Hope they get it fixed soon. The more sun and warmth, the more the "stuff" will grow. Which would be too bad, because it's a lovely aspect of your town.

Thank you for liking my old school memories, commented on Mari's blog. :-)))) Perhaps I will do it, in a post....


William Kendall said...

Lovely blooms.

Debi said...

Such pretty flowers! You are right about the pond and the reflections. I love "still" water for just that reason. Have a great week!

Granny Marigold said...

Walmart seems to be a place where you meet people you know. Here or over your way. We probably go to Walmart every couple of weeks. They have the best prices on some things. Also I get photos developed there (for scrapbooking).

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. Sounds like your Monday was busy and productive. We don't like to shop at Walmart much and avoid going there, but sometimes we just have to make a Walmart run. You did pretty well not to go there for over a year! We have had a rainy day here - fine with me. We still need rain. See you again tomorrow!

Hill Top Post said...

I love those beautiful flowers! WalMart is definitely the place to go to meet up with old acquaintances.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The flowers are beautiful, and your reflection photo is stunning. We just got back from Wal-Mart!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

A beautiful selection of flowers.

God bless.

Ann said...

I wish I could say I haven't been to Walmart in over a year. I really don't like that store but there aren't a lot of close options.
I had to laugh at the free phone costing $35. That's nice though that they replaced his old one.

eileeninmd said...

The flowers are beautiful. I hope they can get the pond's fountain working.
The weather has been hot and humid here, I try walking early in the morning when it is a little cooler. Have a happy day!

Melanie said...

Oh, Karen! I'd take your 80 degrees in a heartbeat! It reached a whopping 95 degrees yesterday and today it's supposed to hit 96. (Forget what the heat index is!) I don't get to Walmart much either. The one near me has very congested traffic and it's too much of a hassle! Have a great Week!

Kerin said...

Sounds like a nice day, and I think it's a wonderful happenstance that your husband was able to get a new phone for such a low price!
Lovely pond!!


Bill said...

The flowers are very pretty. Free phones only $35. :) It's nice that they let him know his phone was obsolete, I never heard of that.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's such a nice time of year for you to walk. We don't even get that low overnight! I walked this morning but it was HOT and humid! And it sure drains your energy. Enjoy your afternoon and the nice weather!

Jeanette said...

With the price of everything going up so much I've been going to Walmart more and more! Nice your husband got a "free" phone!