Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Clouds and a little rain

This morning when I walked it was 62 degrees.
At first just cloudy then some light rain.

On the way to town I saw a Skunk sauntering down 
the middle of the road.
Sure didn't want to run him over!!!

Walked around the lower cemetery, all around town, and
the ball park loop.

Rebecca was out walking.
Never have seen the woman again who was walking for the first time
a while ago who said she would be seeing a lot of me.
Still hoping to see her one of these days.

It is garbage day in town and the birds have gotten into
some garbage that was put out in bags.
Makes a good case for putting out Garbage CANS.
If you look closely at the bottom picture you can see the culprit 
 sitting just a bit up and to the right in the middle
of the picture.

I pass this house often and think it must be hard to mow
the lawn around all the little shrubs scattered around.

For the first few miles it was just cloudy and then I felt
the first of the rain drops.
They never amounted to much and actually felt good and kept
me cool.  By the time I had walked my 6 miles the rain drops
that showed on my shirt were just starting to blend together.
Driving home was when it really started to rain.

☁️     🥾    🌧    🙂    

Made a quick stop at the Shop and Save this morning to get
a couple of things that we didn't get yesterday.

Then made Potato Salad to go with the hot dogs we had for supper.

Ken went to church to meet Chip who was in town,
and together try to figure what is wrong and how to fix the cutter.
Happy to say they were successful and the cutter is in
operation once again.
Later this week Ken and I will go and get started on getting
the almost 20,000 Romans books cut and boxed up.

I was going to get started on baking the 20 dozen 
chocolate chip cookies for Bible Time coming up next month
but got to reading and never did bake them.
Will have to get started with them tomorrow.

It's been cloudy all day with rain every now and then
and it stayed cool in the 60's.

Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Tuesday to you.

Passed this saying on a church sign this morning.

If God is your copilot, then change seats.


Tom said...

...we had garbage toters on wheels here. Leaving bags out doesn't look like a good idea!

Mari said...

What a mess for someone - I hope the poor garbage man didn't have to pick that up!
Glad Ken got that cutter working.
I like the church sign.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. We got a little rain here yesterday, too. We need even more. I like the church sign and it really is true. You will be busy baking all those cookies tomorrow. I hope you have a good Wednesday. See you again soon. :-)

Nellie said...

Are there ever any bears around in your area? They wouldn’t leave that garbage alone! The service we use for our garbage collecting supplies us with their cans.

Rose said...

Our house is starting to cool out enough for me to know that it really is working! I cannot imagine the weather you had today. It sounds just wonderful.

I am glad the cutter is fixed...stuff like that is always a puzzle.

Here if garbage was sit out like that, I am afraid a dog would get into it. I don't really see strays, but one had gotten in mine and it a can with a lid. Or maybe it was a coon. The lid was not just laying on top

Ginny Hartzler said...

That's a lot of cookies, and a whole lot of books! Gosh, your neighborhood really needs trash dumpsters!

Hill Top Post said...

WE sometimes encounter a skunk on our trail, but Millie has finally learned not to bother them. There was one a few years ago that would actually chase me. I agree that the scattered shrubs would be hard to mow around. They really do create a pretty border though.

HWIT BLOGG said...

What a lovely walk again...
Have a beautiful day & take care!

Ann said...

I have very little garbage each week but use my huge garbage can so that the assorted critter can't get into it.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

It must be difficult being a skunk. No one likes them; and no one would stop to give them a ride in their cars. How sad ... all animals are human like us. Today over here is Hug-A-Skunk Day.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

I would think with bears around people would not just put out bags of trash.
I never see live skunks. Take care, have a happy day!

William Kendall said...

On occasion I see skunks.

Latane Barton said...

Girl, 6 miles. I am so in awe of you. You gotta be younger than me! I wonder what you were reading that held your attention so intensely. I read a lot and am always on the lookout for a good page-turner book.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Leaving bags of garbage _anywhere_ is just plain dumb!


Sorry you never saw the first time walker again. I have been wondering about her. :-)

And wondering if the new (twin) house sold? Now you will ***Have**** to go walk to where you can check on it!!!!! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL See what happens? we get really involved in your walks!!! >,-))))


Bill said...

Birds love to get in to the bins on main street and if they are full, they drag it out and fight over it. It's mainly seagulls and their favorite bins are right outside the takeaway shops which has some food in it.

Lowcarb team member said...

We have bin bags too at the moment, and birds can be a problem.
There is talk of changing to wheelie type bins but we will have to wait and see what is decided.

All the best Jan

Retired Knitter said...

Yes, giving a skunk a wide birth is very important. It is so hard to get rid of that smell when it has landed on you or something else.

ellen b. said...

Haha! Love that sign! Glad you made it to the car before it started pouring.