Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Flowers in Bottles

 55 degrees again this morning but no sun at all.
Cloudy with a light drizzle near the end of my walk.
Didn't get wet though.

Had a nice walk around both cemeteries, the ball park, and
around town.

Every year this little farm stand appears selling
bottles with flowers in them.
There is a box for you to leave the $5 it costs.

Most days I see Kitty roaming around by the cemetery.
She lives at the house across from the cemetery.

The only person I saw out this morning was Rebecca and she
was running today. 

Walked 6 miles

☁️    🌸    🥾    

Food shopping at the Shop and Save today and got the
done first thing after breakfast.

We had a rainy day so it was a good day to get some
house cleaning done.
Glad I went outside yesterday when it was sunny out!!

The cake yesterday was ever so good.
Plan on having another piece for tonights snack!!

Thanks for stopping by.
A happy Tuesday to you. ❤️
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone 🤗

Comment Replies:
Ellen - Yes, they were peonies at the grave.


Vee said...

I'd be a taker! My daughter has neighbors who sell campfire wood. She is delighted and is probably their best customer.

What a pretty ginger kitty.

Hootin Anni said...

Love the kitty! Of course I would.
Have an extra piece of your birthday cake for me please!!

William Kendall said...

The kitty is a beauty.

Tom said...

...it was rainy here too and I was glad for the rain!

Hill Top Post said...

It would be hard to resist those flowers in a bottle. Do you pet the kitty?

Lowcarb team member said...

A sweet kitty.
Pleased you enjoyed your cake.

All the best Jan

Rose said...

Kitty is sure a pretty cat! I almost wondered if the flowers in the bottles were some children's idea.

Mari said...

There is a stand near me that sells fresh flowers in the summer, and I like to occasionally pick up a little bouquet.
That is a pretty cat.
Glad the cake was good! :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

How interesting about the little flower stand!

ellen b. said...

Thanks for the answer to my question. That flower stand is a nice idea. I wouldn't mind a piece of cake right now.

Ann said...

$5 for flowers is a deal.
A rainy day is nice once in a while.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Do you take just the flowers, or the bottle too?

God bless.

KEV. Robertson. said...

Flowers in Bottles - what a neat idea - guess plenty of people would be pleased with their purchases. Stay well there Karen. Regards. KEV.

R's Rue said...

Such joy today.

John's Island said...

Hello Happy One! After a long blogging break it is delightful to stop by Life is Good this morning. It’s my first time to see your new header … wow, it is great. I so admire the way you are able to put together interesting posts on a daily basis and always keeping us updated on your daily walks. Thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog yesterday. Have a great day! John

Bill said...

It's cloudy and raining here today. Nice looking kitty.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

If I didn't live in a subdivision, I'd have a cart and sell something - around the corner from us, on the country road we have a strawberry stand.

Sometimes if I want to get rid of something, I will put a FREE sign on it and sit it in front of the house. Not the same thing but works 99% of the time. Theres always someone who is pleased with another person's junk.