Blue sky and white clouds this morning.
Can you find the moon?
Would have welcomed a rain shower.
Saw deer and rabbits when I was driving to town.
Walked around both cemeteries.
The teeny horses were out in the pasture next to the cemetery.
One of them got out and was in the cemetery.
Thought about calling Farmer Marvin to tell him but it was so
early I figured I'd wait a little while.
While I walked around the cemetery one more time the horse slipped
right under the fence and went back on her own.
Walked the other cemetery and then headed down the road leading
back home for a while, turned around and walked back to town.
Continued over to the ball park and then just all around town.
Some pretty flowers hanging by the day care center.
Notice the snow shovel leaning on the house.
I think they would be safe putting that away now.
John was out walking his dog.
Rebecca was walking.
Joy was walking and we stopped to have a little chat.
She has been walking a little bit later than me.
I've been walking a little earlier because I've been waking up early
with it getting light out so early.
Walked 6 miles
🌤 🥾 🙂 🌸
I put the strawberries from yesterday on my cereal this morning.
Mmmmm they were good.
Left the house at 9:00 to go to church.
It was baby blanket work day.
I brought in my two for May and June
and started working on July's blanket.
🧶 There were ten of us working today.
Always an enjoyable time to work, talk, and laugh. 😊
Stopped at the library on the way home to get yet another book
that was on hold and one more book that I saw that I wanted to read.
When I arrived back home Ken had made me nachos for lunch. 🙂
Did some stuff around the house this afternoon and then
had a little time to read before getting supper started.
It's been a good day and for that I am truly thankful.
Happy Thursday to you. 🤗
Thanks for visiting.
👩🏻🦳 happyone ❤️
Comment Replies:
Vee - The strawberries yesterday were sitting on my BEST paper plates. 😃
Ginny - Yes, the stone arched bridge is right out the back door. Ken made it!!
Victor - The skunk ended up going in the brush along the side of the road.
MsBB - Thought that the birds might get to the strawberries but so far they have left them alone.
Those miniature horses are so cute. Oh, and I saw the moon!
Yes, I do see the moon. It is beautifully framed by the clouds. Ken is very talented. I just love the bridge!!
...the mandevilla hanging by the day care center are beautiful.
Lol about the shovel...I was late putting ours away this year, too. It looks like a monster has it's mouth open to grab the moon.
Isn't it funny how work is not work if you are going it with friends?
Hi Karen - I love that picture at the beginning of your post of the white clouds and the moon. Glad you had a nice day. Your baby blanket work meeting sounds very enjoyable. See you again tomorrow.
We could use some rain here, too! Funny about that little horse! He’s found his way to escape! Yes, I think that snow shovel won’t be needed for awhile. At least, it wouldn’t be needed here. The thermometer on our car registered 98 degrees when I was out today!
Pretty paper plates are not easy to find! ☺️
Nachos for lunch...I may have to round up some.
Quite a small horse.
I've been trying to see the full moon but we've had a lot of clouds so no luck. I'll try again tonight.
Imagine a horse tiny enough to slip under the fence!!
That horse is so cute! Sounds like a great walking day for everybody! Fun to be able to greet each other. Hope you have a great Friday!
I did spot the moon. That little horse is so cute. There is house up the street from me that used to have a couple of them.
You sure had a full day.
Love the sky image. The little horse is so cute, maybe the fence needs to be fixed. The hanging flowers are beautiful. Take care, have a happy weekend!
Quite a little horse.
Is it a small horse or is it far away? Or is it a giant fence post? Or are the trees miniature trees? Or is that house smaller than the horse? How did the house get under the fence? That's what I want to know!
God bless.
Cute little horse but sneaky! I bet he knew you were going to be calling Farmer Marvin on him!
I just got home from our local library before I sat down at the computer. I finished the Harmony series and got the three of "Hope". I went for the three books and came out with 5. It's like going to the grocery store to buy 2 things and ending up with a whole cart! Have a good weekend.
The little horse is very cute. Nachos sound great, might have to have some tomorrow.
How did I miss this post, with the adorable little horse?!?!?
✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
Yes, I did spot the moon :)
All the best Jan
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