Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, March 11, 2022

Fingerprint work day

 Another sunny walk.
Temperature 31 degrees.
Sunrise 6:33

On the way to town I saw a couple of deer up in one of the fields.

Had my usual walk all around town,
both cemeteries and the ball park.

Ruth Ann was out walking her two dogs.

I usually take pictures of the front of the Drane house
but today thought I take a picture of the back of it.

Me and my Shadow

I got a bit warm walking after a few miles and ended up taking
one of my sweatshirts off and my hat too.

Walked 6 miles

☀️    🥾    😊

Did a couple of house things after breakfast.
Then we left and stopped at the library to pick up a couple
of books and Season 2 of A Place to Call Home.
Continued on from there to church where it was a
Fingerprints work day.
We got there at noon and stayed working till 6:00.
We had a bit of trouble with the cutter again.
This time Ken thinks it might be low on hydraulic fluid.
Sure hope that is the problem because we are left with a lot
of Romans books that still need cutting.
But tomorrow is another day and we will deal with it then.

Now it is nice to be home.
I'm going to have one of those lemon cookies in little while. 😊

That's it for today.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️


Rose said...

I just love long shadows! (They make me look skinny again.)

And I love the Drane House...I never tire of seeing it.

Tom said...

...you sure are tall and lean!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This home is impressive! It looks like a large, kind of modern, log cabin.

Debi said...

Love the Drane house photo. I love old houses. So sorry you had trouble with the cutter, hope you can fix it so you can finish cutting the Romans books. Happy weekend!

R's Rue said...


Kerin said...

Love that view of the Drain house, and seeing the stone foundation stacks.
I love all your pictures, and the shadow one makes me smile :)
You have a light and happy attitude :)

Have a great weekend!

p.s. I left a bit of an explanation after your comment on my blog...hope it helps :)

Galla Creek said...

What’s the Drane house?

Kim said...

The Drane house looks so well-made! Glad it's nice walking weather there. I think we're in for some dropping temps down here in Georgia this weekend. Hope y'all can get your church paper cutter fixed. Take care!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those long-legged shadows are something else. I have a couple of shots of myself that way as well.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Somehow the Drain House looks bigger from the back. I hope the cutter works better tomorrow. Have a good weekend.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Ohhhhh, what long legs you have, my Dear! -gigggggles-

The Drake House, one window at the top....

Sorry about the cutter. Frustrating....

Good luck with the snow! I hope we don't get as much as predicted.

Gentle hugs...

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Lovely shadow. Great photo.

God bless.

Barwitzki said...

Walking through nature is the most beautiful thing there is. We've also had the sun here with us for days. That's good after this gray winter without snow.
And if it wasn't for Putin with his war, it would be a glorious spring. Yesterday I helped with the relief campaign at school and today I'm starting my sewing project... the pants... I'm excited.
I wish you wonderful walks. The wooden house looks very interesting.

eileeninmd said...

I love the long shadow shot and the geese.
Happy weekend to you!

Mari said...

Such great photos today! I love the long legged one and the Drane house.

Bill said...

The Drane house is very attractive.

Hootin Anni said...

A while 'nother view of the Drane homestead. Like it!!
And....no snow!!!! Yay.

Hootin Anni said...

I really should spell check...while is "whole"

HWIT BLOGG said...

The old house is great! I just love it! Always so nice visiting your blog...
HUG from Titti

William Kendall said...

A good shadow shot.

My Shasta Home said...

Some of my best photos were shadow photos. Yours is very nice, too.

Sandi said...

Your shadow looks like you are walking on stilts! 😃

ellen b. said...

I'm behind, I still need to check out that lemon cookie recipe. Hope the machine worked better the next day.