Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Another sign of spring

 A cloudy walk this morning but it was 36 degrees and no wind.

There were a couple rabbits running around at the edge
of the road on my way to town.

Walked up and down the main road and then up and down
the roads behind the house in town where we used to live.

You may remember me mentioning seeing Lisa running some mornings.
This is her little pond and two ponies.

Also walked around the cemetery on the hill and the ball park.

Work has finally continued on the drive thru at the bank.

I took a peek in the bank window and the whole place is getting renovated.
It has been closed since the beginning of the pandemic.

Joy was out walking this morning.
So nice to stop and have a chat with her.
She has been exercising inside on the icy days too
and has been walking at different times.

This was sure a happy sight to see.
Another sure sign that spring is on the way.
Pretty sure these are daffodils popping up through the soil.

I'd like to think we have seen the end of winter BUT
I would be very surprised if we DIDN'T get any more snow.

Walked 6 miles

☁️    🥾    😊

After breakfast we went to church again for a last attempt
at fixing the cutter.
Ken checked out a few other things and it all seemed good.
Started the cutter up and the switches that he replaced 
 started working like they were supposed to.
 Not sure exactly why.
Prayer is a wonderful thing!!

The afternoon was spent doing a little work 
and then reading
and sewing on the blanket

That's all for today.
Thanks so much for the visit.
Happy Wednesday to you. 🙂
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

Comment Replies:

Ginny - No, never feed the geese.
What is your Fingerprints ministry?
Check out this LINK to learn about weave-its.

Vee - I guess the people with the four dogs just like dogs!!  At least they are all behind the fence!!

Galla - I rather walk alone too but don't mind walking with someone for a little way.


William Kendall said...

The nearest bank to me is also getting a renovation- due to a fire inside in the fall.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Seeing those first shoots of green is always a joy.

Rose said...

I bet people will be glad to have a bank in town once again. I am afraid to hope for no more snow, too. I would be very surprised to have seen the last of winter.

Vee said...

Did I mention that my bank redid their ATM machine? Now, nobody can get close enough to it. That's fine. They have now put an ATM charge so I don't bother anymore.

Oh. I hadn't picked up that all the dogs belonged to one household. That's a lot of dogs. My neighbors have a dog sitter business so sometimes they have four dogs, too.

Yay that Ken fixed the cutter. That's really fantastic.

Glad you got to see Joy again.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am impressed that you walked so many miles at 36 degrees! Of course it helps that there is no wind. You must be in super healthy shape. The Jonquils ARE up in our backyard! I love how you answer your follower's questions at the end of your posts, it is so easy to find.

Tom said...

...those daffodils looks promising, we can barely see the ground.

KEV. Robertson. said...

Nice to see the Spring Time Daffodils starting. The rain here is easing this morning- it has been raining for over twelve days straight. Regards. KEV.

Mari said...

So happy to see green popping through the cold ground!
It's fun seeing things change on your route.
Glad that cutter is working again!

ellen b. said...

Hooray that the machine is working again! PTL. What a fun sight seeing those daffodils popping up! Love that. Happy March to you.

Hootin Anni said...

Yay for Ken fixing the cutter! He's brilliant.

Nothing better than the first days of Spring after a long, cold, winter.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

At least the snow has gone and Spring is here.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

I like the view of the pond and horses. The Daffodils are a pretty sight to see. Spring is here. Take care, enjoy your day!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Someone else with signs of spring!

Here, still snow covered.

Oh well, it will come when it will come. :-)

Jeanette said...

So nice to see the Spring flowers popping up! Glad Ken got the cutter working again!

Bill said...

The daffodil are popping up to welcome the spring with their beauty.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Oh look!

"She's" in a better mood!

"She" means "ME"

💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 💛

John's Island said...

I never get tired of your photos. This time my favorite is the close up of the little daffodils popping up! Very cool photo! Yesterday I put something I learned from you to work … I made chili in the slow cooker. Oh my goodness, it was delicious and what a great way to make chili … all the work is done in the morning and dinner time is so easy! Thanks again for that one!

Granny Marigold said...

It's so encouraging to see the little green leaves begin to poke up. A sure sign of Spring. Even if we get some snow in March it won't harm them.

Galla Creek said...

Seeing those shoots peak through the earth is like getting a letter in the mail proclaiming the coming spring.

Kerin said...

Oh, how it lifts the spirits to see the daffodil greens poking up through the soil!
Yep... spring is on the way!!!

Smiles :)

My Shasta Home said...

Wow, it sure is looking like Spring is trying to claim your area. My poor daffodils have bloomed out and are spent. All I have are the dried flowers. But the poppies are starting to bloom and other plants as well.

Spring is coming - no matter what Winter has to say.

Lowcarb team member said...

Always good to see the first shoots appearing ... spring is just around the corner :)

All the best Jan