Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, November 05, 2021

Windows and the Oven

 25 degrees this morning with more frost.
At 7:00 when I started walking in town it was still dark
but clear with a sky full of stars.
By 7:30 it was getting light and when the sun rose
and popped over the mountain, that sun sure felt good on my face.

Walked through town and down the road between the main road
and the industrial park road.
Then over to the industrial park and walked around there.
Continued walking a couple of times around the ball park,
and lastly up to the cemetery (pictured above)
and around there.

Nice to see Joy out walking and that a little cold weather doesn't
keep her inside either. 😃 We had a nice little chat before
continuing on our separate routes.

I walked 6.3 miles

Bench Picture Number 6
There are 4 of these benches placed around the ball park loop.
I took a picture of this one because the yellow leaves looked pretty.
Glad I took the picture a few days ago because
now all the leaves are gone.

☀️    🦃    ☀️

Today I started washing windows.
Did the dining room and half of the living room.
They say not to wash windows in the sun but I do because I 
can see right away if they are streaked or not.
I don't use a product.
Just wet the window with a micro fiber cloth and wipe dry with
They are a bit pricey but when you consider you don't have to buy
any product it's a good deal.
Really does make washing windows much easier and quicker.

The other day when I made the cheese cake some liquid seeped
out of the bottom of the spring form pan.
I didn't notice till the next day when I went to preheat the oven.
Then when I opened the oven door I was greeted by a cloud of smoke
and that's when I realized the spill was there.
My oven has a self cleaning mode which I used today.
It takes 4 hours and the door is locked because it has such
a high temperature.
It does a great job though and now my oven is like new again.

 I'm thinking there must be something wrong with my spring form
pan to have it leak like that.
It's just a cheap pan and I'm thinking of looking for 
a better made one.

Got some reading done this afternoon and also knitted.
And that's been my day.
Thanks for stopping by.
A happy Friday to you. 🙂
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️


Tom said...

...I like the frosty shot with the fall colors.

William Kendall said...

Pretty fall colours.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. Thanks for the window cleaning tip! I am ashamed to say that I don't clean my windows very often. Self-cleaning ovens are great. I have a gas range in this place and it also has a self-cleaning features, but it isn't as good as the electric range I had in Arizona. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon! P.S. I ordered the book you recommended - The Widow's Husband by William Coleman. Our libraries around here didn't have it so I ordered it from Amazon. I am excited to read it. It will be next on my list. :-)

Debby said...

I almost burned down my house once by using the self cleaning oven. Ever since I’m scared so I just clean the oven one to two times a year by hand. Or I rope my husband into doing it for me! Lol
Your walks are so picturesque.
Cleaning my windows are a constant thing because of my black lab’s nose art. Since she is quite the artist, I wipe up the window and then she creates another nose masterpiece! Oh well. Love my dog more than spotless windows I guess.

Hill Top Post said...

It was such a beautiful frosty morning there. Your pictures are so good. If you recommend something, I have learned to pay attention, so guess I will be investing in a window cloth. 👍

ellen b. said...

Hooray for self cleaning ovens. I've been setting the ovens at church on clean cycle this week. One oven to go. My windows really need cleaning! That bench looks great with those golden leaves!

Granny Marigold said...

I have to run the self-clean on my oven too. Before Thanksgiving when I was putting a pumpkin pie into the oven I sloshed some of the filling and made a mess that is still in there. I thought I'd wait until the next time I use the oven on 400 then right after I'll put it on to self clean. My hope is that maybe it won't take 4 hours to clean if it has a head start.
I don't think I've ever had a springform pan leak. Until you get a different one you might have to put a cookie sheet under it.

Mari said...

Thanks for stopping at my blog. I really like your header messages and especially that verse. It's a good reminder.
That was quite a walk. It's pretty with the frost.
I love the norwex window cloths too.

Unknown said...

We have a self cleaning oven too. After 4 hours you just wipe up a little pile of ash when it's done. You might want to consider putting a foil liner on the bottom rack. If you have a spill from cooking or baking all you have to do is throw out the foil liner and replace it. I wouldn't do without one.

Hootin Anni said...

Thank goodness for self-cleaning ovens!! Pretty bench photo & the road breaking up the frosty landscape is pretty too. Yes, I don't like cold...that's why we retired to the Gulf.

KEV. Robertson. said...

Cleaning windows isn't one of my favorite chores- last time I fell backwards off the ladder into the garden rockery- that is the last time the windows outside were cleaned...never again. Stay well there Karen.

eileeninmd said...


The cloth sounds wonderful for cleaning the windows. I love the bench shot and yellow leaves, very pretty. The mornings have been frosty here too.
Take care, enjoy your weekend!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Narrow bench. I can't sleep on that!

God bless.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Pretty bench pic.

Must get that window cleaner thing!

Sorry about the mess, but you have a great oven, and it took care of it.

✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

Kim said...

I love my microfiber cloths. They are a really amazing invention! You certainly had a productive day! I need to do my oven, too, but it's not a self-cleaning oven. I wonder if turning up to its highest setting for an hour or so would burn everything off? Hmmmm...maybe I'll try it. Take care!

Jeanette said...

Cleaning windows is actually one of my favorite things to do believe it or not! They always look so good when you are done! I have a cleaner that I make with vinegar, lemon slices and water that I use on glass. It works good and smells great too!

Bill said...

The frosty covering looks beautiful. I still have to remind myself it's November. :)

Aritha V. said...

Ooooh, I love to see your cold weather photo.

Inger said...

The frost makes it look like the grass got gray hair.