Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, November 19, 2021

Walking Clothes

 This morning it was 30 degrees colder than yesterday at the same time.
When I walked it was 24 degrees, pretty windy and once the sun
rose there was a mix of sun and clouds.

Had a very random walk all over town up and down all the streets.
Walked to the library and dropped a book down the slot.
Never made it to the cemeteries or ball park.

Nice to see Joy out there in the cold too
and to know I'm not the only crazy person! 😀

There is another too small to walk around cemetery along Flat St in town.
I walked in the cemetery today looking at the head stones.
Some you can read but such a shame 
that most of them you can't read anymore.

This one has a small pipe next to the headstone.
Looks like an air hole.
Maybe John was afraid of being buried alive and asked to have
the air hole there just in case.
Anyhow it gave me a chuckle.
It is probably really there to hold a flower or a flag.

Walked 6 miles

This is the last bench in the Bench Series that I've taken along my walk.
Tomorrow I'll end with three more benches that are in my house!

⛅️    🙂    ⛅️

Some of you wonder why I'm not cold when I walk in this weather.
You wouldn't be cold either if you wore all the layers I do.
I put them all out on my bed to show you.
A Long sleeve turtle neck T shirt
2 long sleeve underwear tops
Two hooded sweat shirts for a total of 5 layers.

Long underwear bottom

On my head is a ski mask and the two hoods from the sweat shirts.
All these layers keep me nice and warm.
I must weigh 10 extra pounds with all this on and it takes
a while to put it all on and take off.

👕 👖 🧦 🧣

Spent some time in the kitchen today.
Made Dill Bread in the bread machine to go with
the Broccoli Cheese Soup we had for supper.

Also made some bar cookies which are called
Multiple Choice Bar Cookies.
Take a look and get the recipe HERE.

Found some time for reading this afternoon.
The Evening and the Morning by Ken Follett,
The prequel to The Pillars of the Earth.
Ken read it first and finished it in a couple of days. (966 pages)

That's all for today.
Hope you made your day a good one. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

The depth and the willingness with which we serve 
is a direct reflection of our gratitude.
- Gordon T. Watts -


Tom said...

...I'm glad to see that you wear bright color when you are walking. Too many people don't!

The Furry Gnome said...

I m impressed!

Rose said...

I always dressed in layers when I worked at the orchard...that is the only way to go. But don't think I had five layers...more like 3...unless there was a bitter cold wind, I never had any problems of actually feeling cold. But when I got home, my hips would be so cold when I took a bath...and I did take a bath till I could soak in warm water. LOL

William Kendall said...

Dressing for the weather really helps.

Hootin Anni said...

I read Pillars of the Earth and liked it. Please critique it when you are done with the new one?!?!!
That bench is very intricate.
Your layout looks like how I used to dress in Colorado...but here, a pair of sweats is sufficient.

Deb J. in Utah said...

You sure know how to dress to stay warm. Charly and I started to read The Pillars of Earth, got half way through with it and never finished. We should pick it back up and finish it. I didn't know there was a prequel. Tell Ken, that Charly was very impressed when I told him that Ken read 966 pages in two days! Charly read a lot too, and can go through thick books quickly - but not that quickly. Those cookie bars sound really delicious and would be fun to make. Hope you and Ken have a good weekend. See you again soon!

Kerin said...

I smiled when you mentioned seeing the other walker out and about on such a cold and blustery day.
Many times on my walks, I wonder if there are others out walking in the cold as well.
At our old house, we once walked when it was just 4 degrees.... brr... that is so cold that the snot freezes in your nostrils! Haha!
Nevertheless, it feels good to get outside and stretch our legs :)

Warm wishes :)

Mari said...

I enjoy walking in cemeteries and looking at those old stone.
Pretty bench today!

Sandi said...

The extra weight probably helps build muscle!

Hill Top Post said...

You certainly captured another great shot this cold wintery morning. There are some days during the winter that I have to add an extra layer, but thankfully, most winter days a couple of layers over my normal clothes is enough. I do like wearing wool leggings and a wool sweater under my coat.

Unknown said...

I just love broccoli cheese soup, it's one of my favorite soups. That and hot bread sounds so perfect on a cold day. The guy on the headstone died on my birthday, February 4th. But I was still a few years away from being born.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

That's a nice bench.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...


For my walks, I dress in layers too. Just not as many you have there on your bed. The bench is really pretty. I would like the broccoli cheese soup. The cookie bars sound yummy. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

Bill said...

Smart dressing!

Retired Knitter said...

Layers definitely are the key to staying warm!

That first black and white picture (which I know is color but just black and white because that was the actual color ) is stunning. You have such a good eye.

Jeanette said...

Wow! That is a lot of layers! I usually wear a long sleeve t-shirt, a hoodie and then my windbreaker jacket over that. Nothing on the legs other than my jeans. Of course, I usually don't walk outside if it's below 35 or too windy. I have a issue with wind blowing in my face so any of that sends me to my treadmill for my morning walk!

Granny Marigold said...

This morning our temperature was 4 degrees above freezing but I knew I had to dress warmly and was mentally grumbling a bit about that. I'm always glad I did go walking but the prep doesn't thrill me. Silly, because it probably takes me only 6 or 7 minutes. I'm sure your layers are a lot more work.
Today's bench is a pretty one.

Lowcarb team member said...

I like the look of today's bench ...

All the best Jan

susan q said...

Thanks for your layering tips. Long thermal underwear and jeans too bulky for me so I need to find an alternative. Wind is the culprit, not so much the temp, for me. I do wear a hoodie sweatshirt and vest on non windy days with a long sleeved shirt, of course. Can't seem to find warm gloves though. Your daily reading has encouraged me to do so. Thanks, have a great weekend!

ellen b. said...

Those are some good layers for sure! You saved a very nice bench for last. Your meal sounds just perfect for a cold day! Yum!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I love taking walks in old cemeteries.

Yep if you bundle up to take a walk, you will keep warm. It doesn't get that cold here but we're not used to the real extreme cold so my layers are minimal compared to yours. I only bundle up like that when we go into the mountains. I find if my feet and hands, and my neck are warm, the rest of me is fine.