Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, July 16, 2021

A walk, a cake, and a link to the past

 It was a calm morning, temperature 65 degrees, and sunny.

Walked around both cemeteries, the ball park, and around town.

A friend Sharon in town was having a yard sale and I hadn't
seen her in quite a while so stopped to talk.
Joyce another woman I met walking some time ago was having the
yard sale with her so it was nice to see her again too.
You may remember me mentioning George who I stop to talk to 
once in a while, Joyce is his wife.
He was there too so we all had a nice little visit.

Haven't seen Joy for a few days but she was out again today.
They went down the shore for a few days and she walked along the beach.
She said it was nice to get back home and walk where it is nice and cool.

Sure was nice to be outside walking this morning.
Walked 6 miles
Found a dime

🌤    🚶‍♀️    😃    💰

Besides the deer we had a few more visitors out back this morning.
A couple of bulls, and a cow from next door were keeping our
weeds down.  After a while they wandered back home again.

In this first picture take notice of the old tree stump off to the left.
I wonder if you see what I see.
Looks like a wolf with his head back howling at the moon.

 I know someone who has a birthday tomorrow so baked a Chocolate Cake. 
Recipe is on the Hershey Cocoa can and 
one of the best chocolate cakes I've ever had.
Recipe HERE
A three layer cake, with chocolate pudding between one layer,
and raspberry jam between the other, iced in whipped cream.
I made the cake and the pudding and
Ken made the whipped cream icing and put the cake together.

Thanks for stopping by.
A happy day to you. 🙂
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️
Comment Replies:
MsBB - Think the problem of the garden is too much rain, doesn't get enough sun and the up and down temperatures.  Read that causes the plants to be stressed and lose the blooms.
Daisies get a bit more sun but not enough to notice.  No room for eggplants to be among the daisies.
Yes, we lived in Scotland for 4 years when Ken was stationed in Edzell.
Wrote a post about it HERE back in 2016. 


Martha said...

Glad you had a nice walk and a nice visit with friends along the way. I do see the howling wolf tree stump - very cool! Your cake sounds absolutely delicious. Have a great weekend Karen. :)

Michelle said...

I like that wolf howling tree stump! The cake sounds good!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I will have to try that cake. I admit that I don't usually make cakes from scratch, but this one sounds really good. Have a good weekend.

Tom said...

...it's nice that the deer let the bulls and cow share your backyard!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I did see the Wolf howling. Very interesting.

Hill Top Post said...

A baking partner is just the best. This is a recipe I will save; can't wait to try it. I walk past a stump every day that looks like a great heron. I think I like the howling wolf better.

Unknown said...

Totally looks like a wolf howling at the moon. A really big wolf. LOL! And what a moon we had Thursday night. It was beautiful!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

You get all sort of visitors in your garden.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful images, I love the sunshine and shadows in the first photo. The cows are cute visitors, it is nice to have help with the weeding. The chocolate cake sounds yummy, I will have to try that recipe. Take care, have a happy weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

It does resemble a howling wolf!! I like seeing things like this. I need your neighbor's cows to help with weeds...and grass actually!!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Gorgeous first photo!!!! "Early Morning, in Summer"

So nice to chat with all those friends.

That Wolf Stump is amazing!!!!!!!! I'd love to have that in my yard!!!!

Great way to keep weeds stamped down! We should all be so lucky. -grin-

Ken??? Happy Birthday to whomever has the Birthday!!!!

Thank you for the reply. I will check out your post. How delightful to have lived there!!!!!!!!!!! I would so love to visit, as I am 1/4 Scottish.


Bill said...

The bulls walking off feel good after chowing on your grass. Just wanted to help anyway they can. :) I saw the howling wolf, very cool indeed!

susan q said...

Enjoyed the Scotland story very much. I do see a howling wolf! Enjoy the weekend♥

ellen b. said...

Not the kind of visitors people expect for sure. That stump really does look like a wolf howling! Thanks for the link to that cake. It sounds delicious for sure. Happy Birthday to that special someone who is getting a mighty fine cake!

William Kendall said...

The visitors look like good company.

Connie said...

I love the photos of the cows near the bridge. Each time I see that bridge I marvel at your husband's talents. Oh, and that cake sound so good, if I lived closer I just might be knocking on your door . . . fork in hand, LOL.

Lowcarb team member said...

Your cake sounds delicious.
Enjoy your weekend.

All the best Jan

The Furry Gnome said...

That's a big wolf! Save me a piece of that chocolate cake.

Granny Marigold said...

As soon as you mentioned the wolf I could plainly see it.
Happy birthday to the mystery person.

Jeanette said...

I definitely see the wolf in that stump! Almost like someone carved it!

Kim said...

I see the howling wolf! Cake looks delicious. I printed out your recipe. Went and read your post about Scotland. How interesting!