Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, May 21, 2021

Red Barn

 Another beautiful sunny morning for walking.
55 degrees!!

Parked in my usual spot by the town pond.
Then headed out with my walking stick to walk around the Farm Loop.
First made a stop at the post office to mail off a card and then
continued to the Farm Loop.

A few pictures walking along.

Big Red Barn

A peek inside through the door

This road is the end of the farm loop and takes me back to town.
The school is on the left.
Don't usually walk this road on school days because of the school
buses going up and down the road which has no shoulder
but when I walk earlier it isn't a problem.
New lines just got painted on the road.

No people about that I saw.
These sunny morning walks have been so NICE!

Walked 6 miles

☀️    🚶‍♀️    ☀️

These sunny days have my clothes drying on the line in no time at all.
Probably faster than if I had a clothes dryer.

Got one more strip of squares sewn onto the yellow gingham
bedspread I'm making.
Now there are 18 rows done with 6 more to go.

Will leave that now and work on June's Baby Blanket.

That's going to be it for today.
Hope your Friday was a happy one.
Thanks for stopping by.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️


Deb J. in Utah said...

I love that bedspread, Karen. It is sunny and cheerful - just like you! So glad you were able to get together with friends yesterday. It is nice that things seems to be getting back to normal. Have a good weekend and I will see you again soon!

Tom said...

...you certainly have some beautiful landscapes to enjoy on your walks.

Bettye said...

Sure enjoyed out short visit yesterday. It was just too short though. Thought of some things I wanted to tell you after you left. Love all the pictures today. The yellow and white bedspread is like a ray of sunshine. Have a great weekend. Till we meet again!!

Martha said...

Another really beautiful walk today. I can't even image those peaceful country roads. The yellow gingham bedspread you are working on is beautiful. I can't wait to see it done!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love those views down the road. Just spectacular scenes.

Vee said...

I really like your yellow weave-it blanket. It's going to be beautiful on your bed. These spring mornings have been wonderful.

Rose said...

Your bedspread is going to be beautiful. I love it. And that big red barn...it sure is a beauty.

Granny Marigold said...

As much as I enjoy walking by the lake I think walking on a country road with little or no traffic would be lovely too. Lots of country roads here but they're always well traveled.

Hill Top Post said...

Oh the beauty of those early morning walks! I love your beautiful sunshine yellow gingham bedspread .

Unknown said...

You sure live in a beautiful part of the country. Those pictures are beautiful. I'm sure that scenery puts a smile on your face and a spring in your step every morning during your walk.

eileeninmd said...

Love the red barn and views! Your yellow bedspread is looking beautiful.
The weather has been nice for the early morning walks.
Have a great weekend!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

The roads where you are are very busy with heavy traffic.

God bless.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Like it, that you carry a walking stick! Even someone so agile as you are, using one. It's nice to hear. Since we ("Old Folks") now have to walk with our canes, for balance. -smile-

Ohhhh, I have missed that yellow gingham bedspread you have been making, because of being on a blogging break!!!! Ohhhhh I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

🌱🌺🌱"Blogs are little First Amendment machines."🌱🌺🌱

Bill said...

Beautiful country roads, they look so peaceful.
Emjoy your day.

William Kendall said...

The barn looks sturdy.

Jeanette said...

Such a beautiful morning for walks right now. And you live in such a beautiful area!

Happy@Home said...

Oh, that yellow gingham bedspread is so pretty and cheerful.
So nice that you are having nice sunny walks now. I enjoy tagging along with you.

Debi said...

What a beautiful walk! I love old barns. Your yellow gingham blanket is really coming along beautifully!

Retired Knitter said...

You have made wonderful progress on your blanket ... and just like a previous commenter said - sunny and cheerful just like you. And for those readers who have never met you in person, Karen really is that sunny and cheerful in person.