Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, April 30, 2021

No more bread machine

45 degrees this morning, cloudy, and windy when I left the house.
Started my walk going around the lower cemetery.
Then over to the ball park and made a loop around there.
Roger was there walking Andy.
A picture of them after we passed and said good morning.

From there I made my way over to the industrial park and had a
walk around there.
The sky looked a bit ominous but it just stayed cloudy.

 Walking back in town a woman had a little dog on a leash and
asked me if I knew whose dog it was. It was roaming around and
she was trying to find its owner.
Told her I didn't know but would ask if I ran into anyone.
Never did.

Walked another loop around the ball park and then went up to the
other cemetery and down to see the bulls.

A shot of the Drane house and garden.

From there, back to the Jeep and home.

Walked 6.4 miles

☁️    🚶‍♀️    💨    🙂

Late morning the sun came out for a little while but it stayed very windy.
Rain came in the afternoon with a bit of sunshine again after supper.

Got the last of my housework done mid morning and had the
rest of the day to putter about.

Was going to make pizza for supper but my bread machine finally
died after about 14 years.
I think I got my moneys worth, it was used a lot.
Didn't feel like making the dough by hand so we popped in
a Digiorno's frozen pizza.
The bread machine was an Oster and really liked it so 
ordered a new one and it should be arriving next Wednesday.

I had another bread machine sitting in the pantry.
It was my mother's and when she died three years ago I took
hers to use when mine didn't work any more.
I must have never opened the lid to look inside because when I
got it out to use today, there was no sign of the pan!!
Had a good laugh over that and knew she would be laughing too. 😃

Thanks for stopping by.
Hope you enjoyed your Friday.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

Comment Replies:
Anni - Walking to see #55 isn't going to happen.  There are a couple of farms on Bubble Bee Rd and I've never seen the cattle near the road.  Besides from where I walk it would be a least 4 miles and back again would make it more than 8. That would take too much time in the morning. The road isn't so great to walk on either - windy and not a very wide road.  Is a nice thought though! 


William Kendall said...

Quite moody skies.

Tom said...

...what a spring day, cold and very windy with sun and finally rain. Perhaps snow overnight, what more can you ask for.

Leslie said...

Hah. that's funny about your mom's bread machine. I've never used one before but now you've got me thinking about it. I never make bread ~ I've tried, but I not good at it.
As usual, you amaze me with your walks.
Have a great weekend.
Hope that they found the owner of the dog.

Happy@Home said...

Your bread machine story reminds me of what happened to mine when we moved to NC years ago. Most of our belongings were in storage for several months until the house was built. Once we were moved in and I used my bread machine the first time the loaf was a total flop. It seems the little blade at the bottom of the pan had been lost in the move so it never got mixed.
Pretty picture of the Drane House.

Martha said...

Glad you didn't get caught in rain, it sure looked like it was ready to pour any minute. That's too funny about your mom's bread machine. I hope the new one you got is a good one. They make things so much cheaper these days, they don't last like they used to! Have a great weekend. :)

Deb J. in Utah said...

I think my bread machine is an Oster too. I haven't used it for a while. Maybe I should bake some bread some time. Looks like you are having a cloudy,cool, rainy spring back there too. Have a good weekend. See you again soon.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That sky does look ominous,yet pretty.

ellen b. said...

14 years of service is good. Hopefully the new one will last as long. That is funny about a part being missing in your mom's. Happy last day of April to you!

Granny Marigold said...

We just got a new breadmaker too. We're on our third if I'm remembering correctly but both myself and also my son use it a lot. I think I only make one batch of dough a week but he ( he's the baker in his little family) makes bread then pizza dough then some other creation all in one weekend.

eileeninmd said...


We had a cloudy and very windy day. Sorry about your breadmaker, I have to check them out.
I assume breadmaking is much easier with the machine. I hope the dog and owner are reunited.
Take care, enjoy your weekend!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

What? No pizza?

God bless.

KEV. Robertson. said...

Making Bread sounds great- never done this myself- good fortune with the new machine Karen.

Vee said...

I've been thinking of replacing my bread maker, but have held off knowing that one woman and one bread mixer is a dangerous combination.

Happy May🌷

Jeanette said...

I have never owned a bread machine. They were so popular years ago and then a few years later I was seeing them at every garage sale! I just figured I would eat way too much hot bread with butter if I had one!

Bill said...

Our bread machine died about a month ago so found a video on YT that shows you how to make the bread in the slow cooker. My wife tried it and it came out great. So we didn't have to look for a new machine. :)

Rose said...

Oh, my, I so love that second photo....I love skies like that. I always enjoy the Drane house, and like seeing their garden, too.

Rose said...

Funny about the bread machine from your mom...

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Hope that lady finds where the dog belongs!!!!

Here we have a leash law... No dogs, without leashs, except in dog park.

Courtesy of me! -smile- Way back, I and my daughter had troubles with dogs, and I proceeded to get a Leash Law passed. Long story, but still, an accomplishment, of which I am proud.

Our bread machine died too, and he never got another. He only used it, for bread, and he is the only one who can eat it, sooooo.... Not really worth it.

Happy May!

Inger said...

Lovely to be reminded of your mom with a smile.

Hootin Anni said...

Well, ya, it was a thought. (The walk)

Pizza, Frozen or freshly baked from scratch sounds great!