Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, March 08, 2021



20 degrees this morning, no wind, and once the sun rose
just a few clouds so had a nice sunny walk.

Walked my usual walk all over town, the cemeteries, and the ball park.

The bulls were funny this morning.
A bunch of them took off running down to the barn entrance
when they saw me coming.
The others just stood there, and some walked over to the fence
when I talked to them.
I think the ones that ran away are new arrivals and didn't know me
and the others that know me stayed.  

Took these pictures looking directly into the sun.
One of the town pond that is still frozen.

This one I'm walking up the hill to the cemetery.

No people out walking again.
Once the weather warms up I'm sure more walkers will be out again.

Walked 6 miles

☀️    🙂    🌤

It was mostly a sunny day and ended up in the 30's.
Got my sheets washed and hung up outside to dry.

Tired of looking out of dirty windows so washed the
living room windows and the windows in the front door.
Not having curtains on the windows I really need to wash them often.
Nice to be able to stand on the front porch and wash the outside of the windows.
I'll do some more windows each day till I've gone around the house.

This afternoon I've been sewing weave-it squares turning them into
March's baby blanket.

Read a little bit too.

Sure is nice having sunny days to enjoy.

Thanks for stopping by.
 A happy day to you.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

O sunlight! The most precious gold to be found on earth.
- Roman Payne -


Tom said...

...Karen, you sure captured some beautiful skies. I love the layered look of the first one.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Great pictures today. So glad you got some sun and that the temps were a little warmer. You said you hung your sheets outside. Do they dry when the temps are only in the 30s or do you have to hang them inside as well? Hope you have a good Tuesday. See you again soon.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful skies!

Rose said...

Isn't it wonderful to wake up to sunny days...they are becoming more the norm now. And I am so thankful for it.

Lowcarb team member said...

Beautiful skies in your photographs.
Have a great week.

All the best Jan

Hill Top Post said...

Your pictures today are exceptionally nice. I love the blue blue skies and that big bright sun. Your mention of window washing made me think of microfiber cloths. Because of your recommendation I tried them and now will never clean windows any other way. I even put a couple of cloths in everyone’s Christmas present. :-)

Granny Marigold said...

Sunshine here too. We washed some windows and I washed sheets. You and I had very similar days.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Beautiful skies. Thanx for the photos, Happyone.

God bless.

Hootin Anni said...

Spring has arrived!! Fresh laundry, bright sun, calm weather...a most perfect day. Beautiful photos.

KEV. Robertson. said...

Must still be cold there for the Pond to be still Frozen. Autumn here today- got warm through the day though the evening is very cold - Winter is on it's way. Best Wishes. KEV.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful skies and views! The sunshine is a welcome sight!
Take care, enjoy your day!

Kerri Farley said...

So glad you have sunny days! We have some this week too :)

Inger said...

Start the day right and it will be a lovely day. I know there's a much better worded quote for that, but too lazy to look it up.

Inger said...

How funny, giggle, giggle, the quote is right there at the top of your blog. And you are living it every day. So great!

Jeanette said...

Washing windows is one of my favorite chores! They look so nice when you're done! It's one of the few cleaning chores that last and is so gratifying!

Bill said...

What beautiful skies to see first thing in the morning. I love the sun's light reflected on the pond. Enjoy your day.

ellen b. said...

Happy to hear you had a sunny day for your walk and window cleaning! We have beautiful sunshine today. I'm heading to the store to get a few things for dinner tonight since our local kids are coming over. Hope you have another sunny walk on Tuesday!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Sunny here too, and it is beginning to "look" like Spring is near.

No sense in getting too *heped-up* yet though. But it's beginning to begin. -smile-

Gentle hugs,
💮 💮 🎀 💮 💮