Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, October 02, 2020


 Pretty dark this morning when I drive to town but nice
to get an early start walking under the street lights.
The temperature was 39 degrees and once the sun rose there was
a mix of sun and clouds.

I usually have some kind of route when I walk around town
but today was truly a random walk. Hit all the usual places but
in no order.

This is the short trail behind the ball park loop.

Didn't see anyone else out walking.

Heard and saw quite a few geese flying over again though the
 geese aren't flying south, but north/east!!

This unusual colored leaf caught my eye.

Walked 6 miles

🌤    🙂    ⛅️

We made a trip to Walmart this morning. In and out quick and
hardly any people there.
Wanted to get some yarn for baby blankets but they didn't have
any So Soft Carron yarn which is what I like to use.
Have some other soft yarn though so will use that up.
One of these days we will make the trip to Uniontown to
Hobby Lobby and get some more yarn there.

A few deer wandered about out back for a good long while before
taking their rest along the natural fence.
I never get tired of watching them.

Ken gave me a hair cut today.
A bit shorter than I expected but I like it.
Just long enough to tuck behind my ears.

Stayed on the cool side today in the low 40's and the wind picked
up in the afternoon.

Looked through the few counted cross stitch kits I have and
picked out the next one to do though I haven't started it yet.

Then spent some time reading.

That's all for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
A happy Friday to you.
happyone ❤️

Anticipate the day as if it was your birthday
and you were turning six again.  😃
- Mike Dolan


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen - I love that trail picture. The autumn leaves are beautiful where you are. I would love watching those dears just out in the backyard too. Happy trails is truly a beautiful place.
Have a good weekend.

Tom said...

...Karen, you sure deer central at you place.

Susie said...

I am glad you drove to town to walk in lights. You always look for something beautiful. :):) Sorry you could nto find some yarn. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Vee said...

That is a sweet path through the forest. The deer are so at home there. Would love to see this haircut 💇🏻 where Ken went a bit overboard. Ha! You are as cute as a button so he can't make too bad a mistake. Have a happy weekend!

Debi said...

Your fall walks are beautiful. I love Caron's soft yarn too. I made winter hats for all my grandchildren with it last year. Very nice to work with.

Rose said...

That leaf is gorgeous! Love how you guys have used your rocks....love that the deer are making use of some of your work.

Re the corn in my photo on Time Stand Still...it is corn for animals, too.

But when we were kids, ever now and then we would shell an ear or two and mom would 'parch' it on the stove. It does not open up like popcorn. But it would swell up and be crunchy.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That leaf does have beautiful and unique coloring. Only God would take time to put so much beauty into a dying leaf.

Hootin Anni said...

Beautiful trail! I think I'd have to find a place to sit there and just soak up the colors & solitude of it all and contemplate. The deer are pretty too, I would never tire of scenes like that either. As for yarn, there has been a shortage here too...in all stores.

Aritha said...

Deer are so beautiful. I see them now and then in our woods too, during my walk. However, they never stand still, run, fly into the bushes. So, I can never take a nice picture. Your photo is very beautiful.

Although I quit my photo blog, I will continue to follow you because I love reading about your walks. I also walk and it is so good to read what you are noticing.

I am now following you with my Dutch blog about faith. Sometimes I post in English but mostly in Dutch.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Wishing you a grand weekend.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Karen,
Beautiful photos, I love them all. I would never be tired of seeing the deer in the yard. I do enjoy reading. The days are already shorter and colder. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

KEV. Robertson. said...

Hi Karen- The short trail behind the park looks a very nice place to go for a walk. Been hot here to-day at 30 Deg C. Still warm at night at 9:30pm. Summer is on it's way - were meant to have hot days though soon it is predicted to be cooler. Summer can get up to 41 Deg C -and it is uncomfortable. Regards. KEV.

Bill said...

With those deer visiting often, I would spend lots of time watching them. Have a great weekend.

Ruta M. said...

That's a lovely photo of the deer, I didn't notice the one on the right at first. There's something special about wild animals so close to your home. They must know they're in a safe place.

Jeanette said...

That looks like a nice little trail! I wish I had deer running through my backyard!

Granny Marigold said...

You don't get tired of watching the deer that come through your yard and I don't get tired of seeing photos of them!!

Lowcarb team member said...

That looks a beautiful trail.

All the best Jan