62 degrees this morning with a mix of sun and clouds and
windy when I left on my walk.
Went to town and walked around the lower cemetery first.
Then all around town and once around the ball park loop
and back home again.
I added glove number 13 to next post along the main road.
Most of the gloves are work gloves.
They must fall off work trucks when people forget they are there.
The fountain in the town pond is working once again.
Saw a Baltimore Oriole today!
Haven't seen one of them in years!
Walked 6 miles
☁️ 🙂 🌤
Another work day on the deck.
We got all 21 joists put up and we back filled down around
the post holes.
My clothes line is gone now but it will be back once
the deck is finished. In the meantime I'll use my drying rack.
We quite working about 2:00
and I got a few things done around the house.
Made Baked Spaghetti for supper and just posted it on
my recipe blog.
Now for a relaxing evening.
Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone ❤️
Comment Replies:
Vee - No, we aren't having a roof on the deck. My clothes line will be incorporated into deck and besides a roof would make the house dark.
Brenda - No more puzzles for us till winter. The first snowfall we will start one. Yes, still reading - I'm always reading a book or two!! Yes I'm also still working on baby blankets. The one I'm working on now just has 9 more squares to go.
...nice silhouette in your your first image. You should go in the glove business and I haven't seem an oriole in year either. Take care Karen.
Sounds like you both deserve a relaxing evening . Enjoy!
Baked spaghetti! I will have to go look at that recipe.
I love that second shot.
Sounds like you two are coming along fast on the deck.
It's remarkable how much change and gloves you find! Love the photos you shared. Sounds like you got some good work done for the deck! You want a firm foundation. :) I'll pop over and check out your Baked Spaghetti.
Beautiful picture of the sky! We built a 10 x 12 deck on our house last fall. Well, I say we but my husband did most of the hard work. I was just his helper!
How did I not know about your cooking blog? What a treasure to find that! Sounds like you coming right along on the deck. You will really enjoy it after all the hard work you've put into making it!
Hi Karen, I ham going to try that spaghetti pie! Thanks for the recipe!
Going right to town on that deck. Makes perfect sense that it won't have a roof. I know you enjoy your clothesline so you'll be happy to have it restored.
I hope all the gloves are still there in a line by the road.
God bless.
The glove looks like it is waving. Congrats n the Oriole sighting, I do not see them often. The baked spaghetti sound yummy, thanks for sharing the recipe. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!
It sure looks beautiful and summery there now! Enjoy your walk this morning! I'm getting out in a few minutes to take a slow walk! lol Hugs!
Nice photos to start your day. The gloves are becoming quite the post decoration. That's how I got my working gloves, found them on a wall when I was out walking. Have a great day.
What a fabulous sky in your first photograph.
All the best Jan
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