No wind either and it was mostly cloudy.
Walked to town and went to the post office and dropped some mail down the slot.
Pretty quiet around town on this early Saturday morning.
Walked around the cemetery on top of the hill and around it.
Then went down to the Drane house by the barn.
Miss seeing the bulls.
Down along the side of the highway noticed quite a few milkweed.
The monarchs will like that.
Today when the big trucks passed it felt nice to have the breeze from them.
Only saw one deer today but there sure were plenty of rabbits around and in all sizes.
Walking around the last bend in the road on the way home it is nice to see our mailbox.
When I get the to the mailbox, I lean against it, look out over the land and thank God
I made it up the hill one more day!! 🙂
🦋 🦋
Ken's latest project is a waterfall on the other side of the house.Water comes down the mountain and runs down the hill along the side of the house in a ditch.
Sometimes it is dry, other times just a trickle, but when it rains a lot quite a lot of water comes down the hill.
We decided to put rocks down the hill and make a waterfall.
The ditch will eventually have rocks in it too and look like a brook.
This is the first picture I took a couple of days ago.
He worked on it again today.
I helped him gather rocks and he set them in place.
It is fascinating to watch how he places the rocks just so and fits them all together.
This picture I took today.

Will be taking more pictures as the work progresses.
It was pretty warm outside today.
In the 80's but thunder storms came through again this afternoon and cooled things off.
We had breakfast for supper this evening.
Chocolate chip pancakes with syrup and even a dollop of whipped cream. mmmm
Well that's it for today.
Hope your Saturday was a happy one.
happyone 🥰
...your corn was waist high for the 4th of July!
Neat waterfall!
Bottle up some of your hubby's energy and send it our way, LOL.
Beautiful photos, I really like seeing the corn field.
That waterfall is going to be something! You folk sure do like a project. So muggy and too warm doesn’t cool off much overnight. We had thunderstorms this afternoon that did nothing to cool things off.
What a nice walk to a quiet town. That waterfall is going to be really lovely when it is finished. Can't wait to see final pictures. xo Diana
He must be good at rock tetris.
That's a great idea, to make a water feature out of the natural flow you'd get any way after a good rain. You both work very hard!! You deserve that ice cream you often have for an evening snack.
Laying that rock takes talent from all I have ever heard. I have never tried it, but I love seeing rock walls, stacked in any shape or form almost.
Hi Karen- Ken has really got a big project on his hands with the Waterfall- he is doing excellent work...will be great to see the final result. Regards. KEV.
Looks like corn in the first photo.
God bless.
The humidity has been awful here, not walking weather for me. That waterfall will be beautiful when it is done, your Ken is a hard worker. Enjoy your day and new week!
There seems to be no end to the energy levels at your house. I will be looking forward to seeing the finished waterfall.
The post for your mailbox is so handsome. You Ken is very talented and you are very blessed. He is that too of course. I just see him do all the things Errol had planned and then couldn't. I'm not sad, just so happy for you. And so smart to not have TV, I didn't either for my first five years up here, and I may get rid of it in the near future. Not sure what kind of contract I have with them. Have a blessed day.
There's so much I like about this post. I like seeing the field of corn; it seems to be doing well. I like thinking about the feast the monarchs will have along that country road. I like thinking about you leaning there against the mailbox thanking the Lord for another climb up that hill. I like to think that the bulls have gone off to a happy place where there are fields of green and lots of cows. And, I like rocks! Especially rocks that form waterfalls! I have done quite a bit of rock work around the place, but on a smaller scale, of course. I have a small waterfall at our old place that I still maintain. I love the sound of it. Also, I remember a time when our little town was a bustling place on Saturday morning, but it is mostly quiet these days.
That waterfall is going to look so nice. Ken is doing such a great job.
Another great project on it's way. You are good workers!
Beautiful. The scenery, the quiet road, everything.
With every new project, you guys are making your place into a unique little piece of heaven. Can't wait to see the finished project!
You and your hubby are both such hard workers and you always make things more beautiful! Enjoy your day! We are having a little rain shower that is cooling us off right now...into the 80s! Hugs!
That's quite a project!
That waterfall is going to be something special …
All the best Jan
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