Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, June 28, 2019

Working outside

Watching the sun go down on Wednesday.
Have to walk down to the driveway now that the trees have leaves.

A very good work day at church yesterday doing Fingerprints.
Work went on from 9:00 to 7:30 with people coming and going
as they had time to work.
Got 7,126 Roman's books assembled, stapled, cut and boxed.
 This morning I walked to town, around the lower cemetery, then
through town and over to the ball park and walked that loop.
Made a stop at the old house and then went to the post office
to drop off a Netflix.
Then headed home.

The temperature was 62 degrees and calm.
Although this picture looks like it was foggy it was just a low
hanging cloud and once I walked through it there was sunshine.
At the old house the daisy garden has started to bloom.
The first two blooms.
As I was walking through town, Ken passed me in the car
on his way to breakfast with Edd.

Saw rabbits, a couple of deer, and a groundhog.
🌤     🌤

This morning we got the last two loads of gravel and finished
putting it over the drainage pipes out back and now 
I'm happy to say that the job is finished. 

Ken made some steps out of stone and here
I'm walking up them.
 While he was finding the stones and making the stairs
I was once again clearing brush out back.

Thought you might like to see the progress I'm making.
This was taken a few weeks ago.
This was taken today.

Great working outside weather,
Sunny, with some clouds, a breeze and temperature in the 70's.

Think this evening I'll do a little reading and making 
some weave-it squares.
Maybe even have some ice cream!! 😃

Hope you made your day a happy one.
Life is Good
happyone 🥰


Tom said...

...what a sunset! Daisies are simple and simply beautiful.

Dianna said...

That sunset is just beautiful! Thank you for sharing it.

Great job on the Romans' books! What a blessing it will be to someone who receives one of them.

The steps are so nice. That Ken has some great ideas and works hard (you both work hard) at seeing them to fruition.

Are you letting your hair grow out? I noticed the ponytail coming out of the back of your hat is why I'm asking. :)

You've put a lot of time and energy into clearing out things, Karen. It really looks nice.

I think I'll move to your side of the mountain...our temps have been in the HIGH 80's and very humid this week.

Lowcarb team member said...

That first photograph is fabulous …

You have had a wonderfully productive day, I definitely think you should sit and enjoy some ice-cream!

All the best Jan

John's Island said...

Just looked at all your posts back to Tuesday. Enjoyed all the photos. All the work you and Ken are doing at your place is wonderful. What will you guys do when all is done? :-) Good to hear about all your walks. Love the Wednesday sunset photo. Have a great weekend.

Rose said...

I was just thinking about getting some ice cream! Love that sunset, but then I love that low hanging cloud, too.

You have sure gotten a lot done....it is looking so nice.

Granny Marigold said...

My Daisies are starting to open as well. They are so faithful.\, blooming year after year and not asking for much attention at all.

Jeff said...

I love that stone wall and steps!! great job getting the brush cleared...that's hard work!! Love your pictures. You live in a beautiful place. Take care ~ Jeff

Ruth Hiebert said...

You have made a lot of progress in cleaning out the brush.

Hill Top Post said...

Your beautiful hills and valleys are just perfect for those gorgeous sunrises and sunsets. Of course a stone wall must have steps. They seem to have been built just for you. You have made great progress on clearing brush. The two of you surely must have a day off before very long.

Vee said...

I like the way you manage the forest the German way. ☺️ It’s so attractive. Glad the gravel hauling is over for now.

KEV. Robertson. said...

Hi Karen- You and Ken are sure putting a lot of energy into your Rockeries- it is all going to look spectacular when some greenery- shrubs take hold. Winter is here now- a very thick Fog this morning- though it lifted by 10:00am. Cheers. KEV.

eileeninmd said...


Love the pretty sunset and daisies. The stone wall and steps look wonderful, well done. Have a happy day and weekend!

Aritha V. said...

Nice flowers. Are you that on the steps? Yes, I think so. Great.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Looking at the last two photos - the tree has moved to the right!

God bless.

Retired Knitter said...

You guys are so industrious. I bet it feels good to know you will never need to move again.

William Kendall said...

What a sunset!

Henny Penny said...

It is so beautiful there. I love your new home, the countryside, all that rock, it's just so pretty. I've just caught up, once again, with your posts. You get so much done every day and it seems like with such ease. I work hard but at the end of the day, seem like I've put all my time into one thing. You even bake cookies! :)

Adam said...

Nice flowers.

Debby Ray said...

Wow...you have made some wonderful progress in those woods...looks so nice!

Michelle said...

You have made a lot of progress in those woods. I admire your work. I have been shoveling pea gravel for landscaping projects and it is some slow going! lol

ellen b. said...

The progress you've made is amazing. Love how you use the natural elements available to you. The steps are great!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I came back to see your hair growing long! I somehow missed this post! It looks pretty! Enjoy your weekend!

CountryMum said...

You certainly have been busy. It is looking very good!