Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, March 25, 2019

One friendly, one not so friendly

38 degrees F this morning when I left at 6:55.
It was a misty rainy walk.
Didn't take any pictures.

Walked to town and around the first the cemetery.
There are two houses near the cemetery.
This morning a man was changing a flat tire in the driveway
at one of the houses.
As I was walking down the road I heard him call,
"Molly, came back here."
I stopped and turned to see a dog running towards me.
This was a friendly dog though and just a puppy,
though a very big puppy.
The man came over to get her and told me that she
 is a Newfoundland and just 7 months old.
Her fur was so soft and she was such a friendly, lovable dog.
I wanted to take her home with me!!

After petting her for a while I continued my walk and went
around the second cemetery.
Then made my way to the post office and dropped a Netflix
down the mail slot.
Then a quick loop and around town and then headed home.

That's when I met the second dog which was not a very friendly one.
Walking down the main road I saw a dog running down his front yard
toward me.  Luckily the front yard was big and I had time to cross
the street.
Just as the dog (German Shepherd) ran half way into the street
two cars came along and blocked the dog from reaching me.
By this time the owner had come to get the dog.
I said a prayer thanking God for sending those two cars along!

Made my way home without seeing any other dogs!

Found a penny
🐕     🌧     💰
Went to the old house to finish up the painting.
unfortunately we didn't quite finish, we ran out of paint.
But the good news is that I just have 2 more walls to paint and tomorrow
we will be done.
 We usually just work till lunch time, but today
we stayed longer.

Since I didn't take any pictures this morning I'm
posting still more of my ceramic planter collection.
Couldn't decide which color I liked best so bought all three of them
 A well deserved supper out for us at Brenda's for pizza this evening.
From there we went to Wal-mart to pick up another can of paint.
While there we got some groceries too.

Nice to be home now to relax and enjoy the evening.
A happy day to you.
happyone  ❤️


Tom said...

...I would have never guessed that you were a planter collector!

Rose said...

I will be happy for you to get that painting done...I would be so glad to be getting done. Love the planters...and so glad you were saved from the second dog. I have never had to deal with one that was seriously after me. I know my heart would be thumping if I thought one was serious....

William Kendall said...

I like those planters.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

My son told me that of all the 'wildlife' I might encounter on my walks, a dog would be the most dangerous. They really do scare you and I'm very thankful the cars blocked this one from you. We'll keep going...but we have to be aware all the time! Lots of hugs, Diane PS I love those sweet little planters! I need to get some Spring things out!

Vee said...

Dogs running toward me never makes me too happy. John taught me that I should take my walking stick. I usually forget, but then we have a strict leash law and dogs are usually tied up. I yelled at a neighbor one day for allowing his dog to run the neighborhood. Turns out he was the new pastor of the Advent Christian church. Later he would tell another neighbor that I didn’t like him. Not true. I just want dogs on their leashes. Glad that God sent two cars to slow the German Shepherd down long enough to be taken under control, I love German Shepherds, but they can be very intimidating and protective. I would have been scared.

Yay for getting ever closer on the painting. Supper out was a good plan.

o2bhiking said...

Most people are afraid of wild animals but at least in the USA probably dogs are a bigger danger. Glad you are okay. Do you still carry pepper spray?

ellen b. said...

I'm not a fan of dogs on the loose. Glad those cars came along and the owner came to fetch it, too. Sounds like the end of painting is very close!

KEV. Robertson. said...

Hi Karen- My Partner is afraid of Dogs and Storms - especially Lightning. I'm just not that keen on Dogs- prefer Tabby Cats...however, we do not have any Pets at all here...if we did- I'd prefer we had animals on a large Farm where they belong and won't be bored...the city is no place for animals- especially Dogs. Regards. KEV.

Granny Marigold said...

Strange that you hardly meet any dogs on your walks and then you meet 2 on the same day. I'm glad that second one was prevented from getting too close to you.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Well done for finding a penny.

God bless.

Lisa said...

Dogs are my biggest fear when out walking. Most of the mouthy ones will not go out of their yard but Sometimes that one big dog or stray that got loose and will come at you. You can always carry a little pepper spray just in case. Be careful out there.

eileeninmd said...


The Newfoundland are great dogs, I love the big dogs. They are usually friendlier than the small dogs. I would think the dog owners would keep them from running out into the street and after people. It will feel good to finish the painting. Your planters are very cute! Enjoy your day, have a great week!

Kerin said...

Oh, we had a Newfy! His name was Lugs, and he was a sweetheart!
Glad that the other dog's owner stopped him from running after you!
I wonder sometimes if the old saying about 'no bad dogs, just bad owners' is true?!
Our new neighbors just bought 2 French bulldogs (for $5000.00 each!) and those two dogs are so cute, but they are a menace, and not learning discipline at all.

Happy for you to have the painting finished..Yay!

Enjoy this day.

Dianna said...

I am really enjoying seeing your planters, Karen. Love that you bought all three colors! Since they are a collection I am guessing you never actually use them as planters?

Thankful that the Lord sent those two cars along at just the right time!

Melanie said...

Good thing about the 2 cars! One of the hazards of walking, I guess. When I was staying in Knoxville with my son and DIL, there was a yard down the street with an agressive dog. Their yard was fenced but it would lunge at the fence and scared Mandy to pieces so we changed our walking route quickly.
Love the ceramic planters. I don't think I could decide which I liked best either.

Debby Ray said...

You just never know about what those dogs might do, right? Of course the puppy I'm sure just wanted to play, right? I have tons of painting that needs to be done before we sell our home...not looking forward to it AT ALL! Have a good week!

Henny Penny said...

My reason for never walking is being afraid of dogs. I'm so thankful too that the Lord sent those two cars to block the dog. German Shepherds really scare me.